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Dave B

Staff member
Am just off down the town and will be doing the usual trawl of the cheapie shops for usefull bits and bobs

Anyone got any helpfull odds and sods from these places or is it just me?

loads stashed away in cupbards...sometimes i just forget i bought them ...good hunting....i still have un opened window cleaning gear on top of the extension cupbards but you always need some spares...love gadgets.../emoticons/biggrin.png

loads of lads swear by the cheap microfibre cloths they sell so there is one to go for...

good one boar...saved my life recently as i hadnt got a broom on board so as i was on the edge of town nipped in and £2.99 later i could sweep up..

I get my microfibre sill cloths from Asda

in the car section.about 3 quid for 5

I'm after one of smurfs gutter hook blade type thingies

think it's actually for block paving but looks handy

ta for that asda like will try them...yeh i was given one to de weed a patio by a custy...and they are good...let us know if you find anything:D

Those chepo large plastic clamps I find also very handy when using a pole to help stop micro cloths falling off.

Just got a 2 pack ..smurfs gadget plus a straight 1 for a quid..more cash for beer tonight..hehee

I need beer

am working driving lorries while building up some business and it's killing me doing both.

nearly to the point that I can tell them to poke it and just be a windie full time

beer gets me through it..lol

yep many a day the custy has said do you want a drink and i have said no thankyou as i have a nice cold beer waiting for me at home...mrtaytay is our resident alcohol expert...he has quaffed a few in his time....:rofl:

mind you ...if mrs j gets the wine out at 11.30am it would be rude to refuse...hic ...hic

Gone are the days when I used to go to pub at lunchtime then get my mate to drive for the afternoon then get on the ladders

oh to be young and reckless again

you think you are invincible when you are young

Gone are the days when I used to go to pub at lunchtime then get my mate to drive for the afternoon then get on the laddersoh to be young and reckless again

you think you are invincible when you are young
sad to say ..been there done that...god i was so pee d sometimes ...:eek:god im getting a thirst up ...still got a bit of taxi to do yet..

You take bigger risks without realising it

I have seen my mate half cut on a ladder and it makes me cringe thinking I used to do that

"If I just stretch a little further"

cant remember most of the time as i was too peed....yeh i do the just a bit further sober...oops....no more now or else mr smurf will tell me off..../emoticons/biggrin.png

i do feel somewhat lucky to get this far looking back at things i have done....

Like townhouses in the snow with mate footing ladder and you can still feel it trying to slip

what we do for that extra few quid

when I stopped last time I got chills thinking what I used to do

now I think sod it if I don't like the idea I ain't doing it

thinking of wfp for awkward bits

gotta be the way to go ...i am just converting thanks to great support of others on here....i still love my ladders and will do both dependant on mood /people in at the end of the day just for a change..

.just got my first oppm pure today....lovely stuff.../emoticons/biggrin.png

My mate has a fire suppression company

reckons he can build me a kit oit of the stuff in his unit for minimal cost

would just need to buy the poles brushes and marine battery

the rest he can supply build and design for me

what would we do without good mates..lol

great idea...i must advise to get a good pole ...unlike my banana..bit bouncy and heavy...most on here recommend clx slx...i am not the expert...yes the plumbing was a bit scary ...thankgod its over now...great to have mates.../emoticons/biggrin.png
