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How much does it cost to get a water tank fitter properly?


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Hi everyone, ive been trad for 8 years but its time to move on i reckon......im buying a van tomorrow, just wondering how much it costs to get a 650L water tank fitted properly by brodex or someone? any idea?

Hi everyone, ive been trad for 8 years but its time to move on i reckon......im buying a van tomorrow, just wondering how much it costs to get a 650L water tank fitted properly by brodex or someone? any idea?
Please stay away from Brodex.

Hi everyone, ive been trad for 8 years but its time to move on i reckon......im buying a van tomorrow, just wondering how much it costs to get a 650L water tank fitted properly by brodex or someone? any idea?
Cost would depend on the van and how long it takes to fit it and how much the company charges an hour.

Some vans you need to drop/remove the diesel tank, others you don't. I think it takes a full day for PureFreedom to fit a tank system complete in the van. Someone on one of the forums complained that what he saw as drilling and fitting a couple of bolts cost him over £400 + VAT.

Some on on that forum also found a garage to fit his tank and frame for £100. I think he did the rest himself.

You need to decide what tank you are buying and then phone around for quotes.
