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Starting or own a window cleaning business? We're a network of window cleaners sharing advice, tips & experience. Rounds for sale & more. Join us today!

Nother order


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Well-known member
just made a nother order i brout a 28l bucket an thault i ordered the lid with it:confused: turns out i dident:rolleyes: so i thault dam so went on the sight wcw an got the lid an also ordered 2 ladder anker things to hold ladders on rack usly use rope , also i ordered some resin on speshel unger £59 hope its good stuff>/emoticons/sad.png(

I try stay way from online shops as costs me money each time I go browsing /emoticons/biggrin.png

i no i went on to buy 1 thing an it lead to more[delusional]think ill ave to freze the bank acount for a bit:bangheadwall:

Phoenix NEON
I'm the worst for it , I'm always looking at bits for window cleaning ebay is a bit disappointing as it's always the same stuff and not many bargains [emoji107]

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