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Liquidated that's my liquidators


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john docherty

Active member
Tried everything with these tools watched every poll's and blade video's they defo still leave a line at the edges used unger s plus today no lines minimal detailing I wish unger would 're invent the liquidators they do a great job with detailing but you need to constantly double check your work sped up no end today using the s plus what a good ideal the liquidators is it was just waiting to be invented but something is missing requires attention that's why polz and blades has to keep putting out videos the only thing I have not tried is the secret sauce that is coming out soon 

Or you could just learn to use them properly.

Bob makes vids to help people develop better trad skills not to try and cover up flaws in the tools.

Works fine for me and many others.

No Flaws In tools? when both trad and Bob have moded the channel with either clips, pins, bending the ends on the lounger channels or putting in another brand of rubber.

With all due respect Dave you say it's the user not the tool then when why are people modifying the squeegee so much. You may not use mods itself I don't know but If you do I don't know their are alot of people like that.

I will admit I am finally getting on with my liquidators after I changed the rubber and clipped the ends they are a great tool . But I still use my s channels on some types internal windows since Its easier.

When the channel can be used out of the box with the branded rubber and no mods on any length channel then you and blame the user only.

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I feel that a couple of vids from both Bob and Trad have muddied the waters a tad. Bob bends his V2 clips forward because of the way he works and also I believe because he preferred the more forward angle on the original V1 clips. ... for us mere mortals however IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE DONE... I believe Trad was doing it so that the longer channels worked more efficiently, however I’ve found that if you use the longer channels (18 and 22) with a fixed handle there is NO issues. Pinning the rubber I do agree with. Should Moerman have sorted it? Sure, but they didn’t, so we do. (I have heard however that if you buy channels from the latest couple of production batches the clips are tighter and it isn’t necessary). Rubber? Everyone has a favourite rubber but as I’ve become more and more proficient with these tools I have no issue with most rubbers. I’ve got Moerman hard, soft, Ettore Master (Medium), Unger Hard, Black Diamond Hard and Razer Red. All work absolutely fine. I’ve used Liquidator from day one, no issues at all, ever. Slip, slip slip...directly to pad or glass, NOT in the bucket...Bob’s Gospel ? just do it.

Yes it's my fault I'm a carp window cleaner I'm stupid I can't squeegee after 25 years could you come and teach me how I don't think so my customers love me I don't want any mistakes I would love the liquidators to work straight out the box but they don't I me very meticulous and professional I have moded proded I have used them up down sideways I have used every type of soap also every type of rubber and there is sometimes a fine line at the tips of the channel not always it's nothing to do with worn rubber maybe it's the rubber I don't know I know the only type of rubber that is half good is ettore the reason I have stuck with these is that without a doubt these channels are definitely the best when it comes to detailing in fact I'm thinking about renewing them but sometimes there is a fine line trialling the very tips of them I have watched it doing it on my own patio doors and spent time experimenting how to get rid of it why would moerman want to let you use someone else's rubber if I was them I would be bursting my balls to fix this before unger move in is it the weather the rubber or the channel and I've also tried clean water in bucket and add soap to applicator as and when maybe I should just go back to being an astro physicist whatever that is

John, 25 years means nothing, unless you can recognise and lose the muscle memory of your old tools. I was trained on the Ettore Brass in ‘82. You can do the maths, it’s too scary for me ? I went from Ettore brass to SS. Unger 0° on a pole and then various versions of Wagtail. The real learning curve came when I started experimenting with dog earing. Then again after Herman promoted his shallower handle angle. The thing with dog eared channels and especially with the finely tuned Liquidator is that you must be totally pedantic with the attack angle. Even slight deviations will be punished. You then add in the very precise and fast pivot of the Excelerator... 

I can use them straight out of the box

I mod the angle on my handles as it suits my style as I work in a similar way to Bob but it isn't necessary but you will find every channel or handle I own of any make is modified in some way as nobody makes a tool that 100% suits my style. 

That doesn't mean than none of those tools work they just need tweaking to suit how I prefer to work

Thanks for your nice reply Eric I have been using these tools from the first week they came out I'm very fussy sometimes there is a fine trail coming off the ends maybe this channel is like a woman when she sees your are ****** off she gives you more grief but trust me sometimes there is an unexplained trail sometimes maybe it can read my mood

I feel your pain John, i have tried using it so many times, its just so frustrating, as you want it to work, but i just cant get it to be. consistent enough to work with.
I use a dog ear squeegee, cant believe i can use that, but its my fav tool along with dog eared unger. I will keep having a play with it.

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Tried everything with these tools watched every poll's and blade video's they defo still leave a line at the edges used unger s plus today no lines minimal detailing I wish unger would 're invent the liquidators they do a great job with detailing but you need to constantly double check your work sped up no end today using the s plus what a good ideal the liquidators is it was just waiting to be invented but something is missing requires attention that's why polz and blades has to keep putting out videos the only thing I have not tried is the secret sauce that is coming out soon 
You just can't be doing it properly. Use Facelift red rubbers and make sure you cut them correctly: it's the best thing since the wagtail was created. I use the channel in a liquidator handle, and also in a Wagtail with perfect results. In the beginning I used Ungers, then moved on to Liquidators own channels, but in liquidators now, I only use the reds. They last a lot longer too.

I’ve used both the liquidator and the Ninga and didn’t like any of them for everyday domestic use although they felt great when combined with a pole. Never modded them though as I would have thought unger and moerman both know what they are doin. Also heard good things about moerman rubber but I’d put it on par with a good batch of pulex.
Unger ergotec handle, s-plus channel and facelift razr red rubber all the way for me.

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Yes the unger s plus channel is very consistent I have not binned the liquidators because I know they could be the best there is no squeegee out there that can beat the liquidators for detailing when it works it works no doubt about it but I'm having to go for therapy when it does this for no reason has anyone found the cause if I could find out why I could sort it I need electric shock treatment help help get me a beer

I’ve used both the liquidator and the Ninga and didn’t like any of them for everyday domestic use although they felt great when combined with a pole. Never modded them though as I would have thought unger and moerman both know what they are doin. Also heard good things about moerman rubber but I’d put it on par with a good batch of pulex.
Unger ergotec handle, s-plus channel and facelift razr red rubber all the way for me.

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It's not that Unger and Pulex are bad, I use them on ordinary Brass squeegees, and even though they are both soft, the Reds are soft but quite pliable so hard wearing, which makes them better suited to Liquidators. When I first got Reds I didn't have much success with them in the brass type squeegees. So it's horses for courses. And I agree with Eric, it is probably a slightly different learning curve, so keep practicing.

I find the liquidator very good, the wagtail is also good as are standard squeegees fine. If you’re using pure water you should find that most lines or streaks you do leave dry clear, after that just use a scrim or microfibre cloth...thats what they’re made for. It really helps to not clean in direct sunlight too. If you put 100% faith in a tool to bring your detailing down to zero then you’re going to get caught out at some stage. What does it really take to have a quick glance and wipe if necessary, nothing really, 2,3,4, ten seconds?

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I meant a modded wagtail in previous comment doh!

To see where you are going wrong you could set up your phone to video or gopro to see what your doing n put it in slow mo to see what is happening?

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I use these but they are not great certain movements u carnt do with them which is a design fault , and when iv been doing this donkeys years for people to say ur technique is wrong , don’t think so

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The biggest thing i find is
If you buy this tool then right out of the box use it. It should be fine
So why do so many people have issues with it?
If they is a right way of useing it why doesn't it come with a information page or something.
Not everything is going to watch vids on you tube about it
Bob made it for his way of working that's cool but not everyone works like that
I like it saves time but does take a little getting used to
All this talk about if you can't use it your a rubbish window cleaning that's just crazy talk

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I use these but they are not great certain movements u carnt do with them which is a design fault , and when iv been doing this donkeys years for people to say ur technique is wrong , don’t think so

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Well, woke up to 15 new notifications for this thread alone this morning and yours was the last one Paul so what I’ll do is address your points...

No, you can’t do certain movements that you can ‘get away with’ with bog standard squeegees but that’s NOT a design fault. The Liquidator is a very different channel from even DIY dog eared ones (including the manufactured DIY Unger S) and to get it to perform at its potential requires a slight but pedantically accurate technique change. That’s not a fault, it’s a benefit.

if you’ve been doing it for ‘donkey’s years’ and haven’t changed/modified your techniques and workflow to optimise this tool? Then yes your technique isn’t right. 

Look, this really isn’t a biggie is it? We’re window cleaners and will use whatever tools suit our personal and unique businesses. My younger brother (he’s just a kid at 50 ?) has tried and can use the Wags, Excelerator and Liquidators just fine but for 90% of his work sticks to his tried and tru 12” brass. 

Buy it, try it. Don’t like it? Bin it and go back to the status quo but that doesn’t mean the tool is no good. It just means it’s no good for you.

I’ve got an 18” Sorbo that has languished in my shed for 10 years. Used it for half a day and hated it BUT a lot of people love them so it’s my problem, not the tool.

The biggest thing i find is
If you buy this tool then right out of the box use it. It should be fine
So why do so many people have issues with it?
If they is a right way of useing it why doesn't it come with a information page or something.
Not everything is going to watch vids on you tube about it
Bob made it for his way of working that's cool but not everyone works like that
I like it saves time but does take a little getting used to
All this talk about if you can't use it your a rubbish window cleaning that's just crazy talk

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Really? What man has ever read an information page or and instruction manual ?

Bob designed his Dog eared channels for his way of working, yes, and Liquidaror is the manufactured version of that. To get this tool to work? Do as Bob does. When you’ve perfected that you may very well be able to put your own refinements to it, but, not until you’ve duplicated the basic technique. (An excellent example of this is Tradman, copied, perfected and refined the tools to the point where he now owns it).

Hey, very very few who go out day in and day out in all weather year in and year out are ‘rubbish’ windowcleaners. As long as you’re making money with your tools of choice and you client base is happy with the quality of your work it really doesn’t matter a damn what others say. 


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