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Peed right off with some customers


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I run a phenomenaly customer focused service that is by far the best in the area, part of that is a text reminder service the night before (like a lot do)... Unfortunately some people don't see it as "oh great a reminder the window cleaner is due" but more as an opportunity to cancel the clean.... So an add on service is working against me... My thought is to add into our terms and conditions (which already state we need one clear day to cancel a clean) that if you cancel AFTER the reminder text has been sent the night before... You are still liable for the full clean price.. And won't be cleaned till paid or you'll have your service cancelled. 

Harsh and of course will lose some customers, but the big question is, do I actually want to keep the ones causing me stress ???

Harsh and of course will lose some customers, but the big question is, do I actually want to keep the ones causing me stress ???
You offer the same service as me and it's taken a good few years to get in a position where I can afford to drop them. I'd remind them that it's a courtesy message not an excuse to cancel the contracted clean and if they do it again you will withdraw the service, subject to you being able to afford the lost business.

I do agree it is annoying when they cancel after the text, but more often than not it’s because they’re not around to sort out access or perhaps they’re having building work. The benefit is they are saving you a journey only to arrive and not have access.

You do get the ones that do it repeatedly, so I just drop them. I don’t think it necessary to warn the customers, it might get their backs up.
I think if I had a window cleaner and there wasn’t the flexibility to skip a month because it’s not convenient I would find that a little unreasonable.

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I believe every one should have a chance just tell them if you cancel with less than 24hr notice you are liable for 50% of the cost of your clean.

If I could throw my 2 cents in....

I do this too. And just tonight I've had a customer cancel as he said he's just put alot of Xmas lights up and there all over the windows, you want to know how I handled it?

'Not an issue, will book you back in for your January clean and have a great xmas ?'. 

However if it was 2 months in a row things would be different. But I've honestly not come across that yet and just use his cancellation as a spot to put another person in. 

I don't honestly know how people work without sending a message the night before as 50% of my customers have locked back gates and if I didn't message them they are not going to have the back gates open wondering at some point the window cleaner may turn up. If I ever get a cancellation saying not this month it's always a viable reason like having garden work done or a driveway laid that's Infront of there windows and I always try and work around it and say if it will be clear by the end of the week I'll call and do them then. This may just be lucky for me as 90% of my customers are always around the same area so it's not a big deal. 

I wouldn't worry about it unless it happens 2 months in a row. Then that's when I would threaten with service being stopped. For the most part I would say 99% of my customers really are grateful for the message the night before and if they do leave the gate locked they always pay full as they was aware and know it's not my fault. 

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I run a phenomenaly customer focused service that is by far the best in the area, part of that is a text reminder service the night before (like a lot do)... Unfortunately some people don't see it as "oh great a reminder the window cleaner is due" but more as an opportunity to cancel the clean.... So an add on service is working against me... My thought is to add into our terms and conditions (which already state we need one clear day to cancel a clean) that if you cancel AFTER the reminder text has been sent the night before... You are still liable for the full clean price.. And won't be cleaned till paid or you'll have your service cancelled. 

Harsh and of course will lose some customers, but the big question is, do I actually want to keep the ones causing me stress ???
We never have txt any domestic customers this is partly why it can be “ oh they arnt it dirty give us a miss this time “ or “ the forecast  isn’t very good tomorrow leave it this month “ , when taking in any new customers I explain we provide a 4 or 8 weekly service and work in all weather within reason 12 months a year that’s what they are agreeing to , any hesitation and we don’t take them on , we also charge double for first cleans so this sorts out the messers as well . 

We never have txt any domestic customers this is partly why it can be “ oh they arnt it dirty give us a miss this time “ or “ the forecast  isn’t very good tomorrow leave it this month “ , when taking in any new customers I explain we provide a 4 or 8 weekly service and work in all weather within reason 12 months a year that’s what they are agreeing to , any hesitation and we don’t take them on , we also charge double for first cleans so this sorts out the messers as well . 
But surely you must encounter locked back gates as they was not aware you were coming that particular day. And hand on heart I've never had yet (only 7 months in but with a steady growing customer base) a customer say 'leave it this time they're not that dirty'. If they did however, they would be straight gone. 

But surely you must encounter locked back gates as they was not aware you were coming that particular day. And hand on heart I've never had yet (only 7 months in but with a steady growing customer base) a customer say 'leave it this time they're not that dirty'. If they did however, they would be straight gone. 
No we dont  as unless the customer gives us either a key or a code to get in we won’t take the job on , only exception is terraced houses ware we do fronts only 

No we dont  as unless the customer gives us either a key or a code to get in we won’t take the job on , only exception is terraced houses ware we do fronts only 
God I don't think I could deal with 70 different keys for 70 different property's ??

We have over 3,000 customers and I have keys and codes for about 25 properties most of theses are big houses not your small 3 bed semis we wouldn’t take them on with access issues 
Yeah but let's be honest though Pjj, you have got the luxury of being picky. Unfortunately probably 50-60% of my customers have locks on their gates so need a message.  

If I could throw my 2 cents in....

I do this too. And just tonight I've had a customer cancel as he said he's just put alot of Xmas lights up and there all over the windows, you want to know how I handled it?

'Not an issue, will book you back in for your January clean and have a great xmas ?'. 

However if it was 2 months in a row things would be different. But I've honestly not come across that yet and just use his cancellation as a spot to put another person in. 

I don't honestly know how people work without sending a message the night before as 50% of my customers have locked back gates and if I didn't message them they are not going to have the back gates open wondering at some point the window cleaner may turn up. If I ever get a cancellation saying not this month it's always a viable reason like having garden work done or a driveway laid that's Infront of there windows and I always try and work around it and say if it will be clear by the end of the week I'll call and do them then. This may just be lucky for me as 90% of my customers are always around the same area so it's not a big deal. 

I wouldn't worry about it unless it happens 2 months in a row. Then that's when I would threaten with service being stopped. For the most part I would say 99% of my customers really are grateful for the message the night before and if they do leave the gate locked they always pay full as they was aware and know it's not my fault. 
My sister in law does this but as it's family and therefore cheap I like her skipping. If they have a genuine reason then I don't mind. The ones that just cancel due to weather forecast etc are given one warning then binned.

The irony is these customers usually start off by saying their previous cleaner turned up when he wanted.

Yeah but let's be honest though Pjj, you have got the luxury of being picky. Unfortunately probably 50-60% of my customers have locks on their gates so need a message.  
I guess it depends on the type of property's you do and what part  of the country you are in ,I have never txt customers from day one once I finish work for the day that’s it Ime not prepared to spend the evening sending out txt and have ones say leave it this time ,  most of our estate type houses that have gates don’t have locks on them , we are in a low crime area I think that might have something to do with it as well , I am in a privileged position I know that we don’t need any more work so Ime not bothered if we get the job or not   , I seam to remember @Green Pro Clean Ltd Saying that the customers have to fit his criteria or he wouldn’t take them on , I totally agree with that and that’s how we operate , no key or code no , we don’t take them on , dog poo on a regular basis they are dumped , bad payers , difficult parking ,access issues , rude customers , don’t get on our books or if they do and turn bad they are dumped ,and replaced if we need more work if not I don’t worry about it . 

You offer the same service as me and it's taken a good few years to get in a position where I can afford to drop them. I'd remind them that it's a courtesy message not an excuse to cancel the contracted clean and if they do it again you will withdraw the service, subject to you being able to afford the lost business.
hey part timer, yeah i know what you mean but its definitely a black and white issue, they are either always cancelling or never cancelling... i know ill upset and lose some but you know what...didnt want that kind of customer to start with. can afford  to lose some but noone wants to lose loads ?

Always a risk when you contact them beforehand, I much prefer to just turn up and do.
part of my advertising and customers (apart from the idiots mentioned above) see it as a big selling point

I do agree it is annoying when they cancel after the text, but more often than not it’s because they’re not around to sort out access or perhaps they’re having building work. The benefit is they are saving you a journey only to arrive and not have access.

You do get the ones that do it repeatedly, so I just drop them. I don’t think it necessary to warn the customers, it might get their backs up.
I think if I had a window cleaner and there wasn’t the flexibility to skip a month because it’s not convenient I would find that a little unreasonable.
my t&c's clearly state that they can cancel, they have that freedom, what they cant do is cancel with less than 24 hours ONLY because i have reminded them i am coming...i require a clear days notice if they would like to cancel...it isn't down to me to run their life and the day to day necessities within it...if a plumber was coming, they would have to remember and cancel, if a builder was coming, they would have to remember to cancel...why should a window cleaner be the poor relation of the trades?

if they were having building work done, or access issues its down to them to to be a grown up and cancel services they have employed someone to carry out 

When you send your texts add to the bottom.

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I believe every one should have a chance just tell them if you cancel with less than 24hr notice you are liable for 50% of the cost of your clean.
the t&c are going to state full payment is due if they cancel AFTER the text has been sent out... pees me off that much i dont want customers who cant understand that you cant fill that lost time in such short notice

the t&c are going to state full payment is due if they cancel AFTER the text has been sent out... pees me off that much i dont want customers who cant understand that you cant fill that lost time in such short notice
I agree with you but good luck trying to get them to pay it , it’s far easier to dump them and replace with a better customer 

the t&c are going to state full payment is due if they cancel AFTER the text has been sent out... pees me off that much i dont want customers who cant understand that you cant fill that lost time in such short notice
Honestly, if I sent a message to a customer who's windows I've not cleaned saying they owe me full payment they would probably tell me o to **** off as they know I'm not going to take them to court over £12 , also they may give me a bad review or negative feedback to other potential customers . Just doesn't seem worth it to me. If I don't clean there windows I don't expect to be paid ( and on the very few occasions this has happened my honesty and saying there's no need for payment actually works in a positive way as there grateful for honesty and pay full, leaving both me and the customer happy) 

We don't do T&Cs. Nothing in writing other than the details needed on our notes and records and the details they need on the back of a business card for the customer. We do it old fashioned. We go by experience and gut feeling and are flexible around what we feel as we go, over time.


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