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Customer not paying


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So I did a ladies windows and bare in mind the front window was full of spider plants like 6 ft tall m other plants you can barely get access to the window and the patio door is covered on mud from the dog anyway I did all the windows I. Sure I got everything off as I'm rather precise with getting stuff off the glass anyway she's saying there's birdshit on the window I couldn't get much access too and the patio doors were still mucky I explained sorry I couldn't reach as far as I would of like as access was hard she refused that and with the patio doors I asked if it was on the inside she said no so I said I would come re do them and she said no I've done them now let's leave it at that before we get into an argument so what do I do about payment?
So I did a ladies windows and bare in mind the front window was full of spider plants like 6 ft tall m other plants you can barely get access to the window and the patio door is covered on mud from the dog anyway I did all the windows I. Sure I got everything off as I'm rather precise with getting stuff off the glass anyway she's saying there's birdshit on the window I couldn't get much access too and the patio doors were still mucky I explained sorry I couldn't reach as far as I would of like as access was hard she refused that and with the patio doors I asked if it was on the inside she said no so I said I would come re do them and she said no I've done them now let's leave it at that before we get into an argument so what do I do about payment?
Tell her you've offered to resolve the issues and she has declined but the monies are still due. Make sure you have everything is in writing, do not say anything verbally and if she tries to speak to you ask for her reply in writing as this will allow you to take further action as you are trying to remedy it. I hate customers like this and those that say just leave it if you do it allows her to do it to the next poor sod unfortunate to come across her.
Collect your money job done you offered to go back to reclean the one window that’s she not happy with but she has decided to do it herself with out showing you proof sounds like she wanted a free one off clean
As above I think she was after a free clean and by finding fault has got it , I think ime right in saying from a trading standards point of view you have a legal right to put right any issues and she should pay , I wouldn’t accept her saying she has cleaned it herself if that was the case why did she get you in to clean it ? I would chase payment just to prove a point but it would be an instant dump and never go back
Collect your money job done you offered to go back to reclean the one window that’s she not happy with but she has decided to do it herself with out showing you proof sounds like she wanted a free one off clean
How would I collect it tho do I give her 5 days then send her a payment reminder or do I just say it will need to be paid
Tell her you've offered to resolve the issues and she has declined but the monies are still due. Make sure you have everything is in writing, do not say anything verbally and if she tries to speak to you ask for her reply in writing as this will allow you to take further action as you are trying to remedy it. I hate customers like this and those that say just leave it if you do it allows her to do it to the next poor sod unfortunate to come across her.
It's all on messenger
As above I think she was after a free clean and by finding fault has got it , I think ime right in saying from a trading standards point of view you have a legal right to put right any issues and she should pay , I wouldn’t accept her saying she has cleaned it herself if that was the case why did she get you in to clean it ? I would chase payment just to prove a point but it would be an instant dump and never go back
I said sorry you wasn't happy with service I've taken you off the round I have tries resolving the matter but you refused I will still need paying thanks for your custom take care
I said sorry you wasn't happy with service I've taken you off the round I have tries resolving the matter but you refused I will still need paying thanks for your custom take care
No reply or payment yet she's seen it so I don't know
How much does she owe you, was it a big job? Sometimes it's just not worth all the hassle for a small amount, with these types of people it can be like banging your head against a brick wall.
We generally just write dept off, just not worth the time or effort to collect it. We just put not though saying you own and we have stopped cleaning them. Yes it's highly annoying regardless of how much it is, but every window cleaner will at some point have money they just never get
In all the years doing this I've never not been paid by someone on the first clean, if a customer gets to 2 or 3 cleans and haven't paid then I don't chase them. If I've done them for a while and they have been fine there's obviously problems in the house and I don't need to add another into the mix. Maybe they couldn't afford it anymore and just didn't want the confrontation of canceling and intended to pay but they just can't. I had someone call me from over a year ago a few months back to settle a bill, they have been going through a divorce so there were problems in the house. They were selling up but knew they had a bill to settle.

However, I'm not going to lie, the op situation would annoy the life out of me, she's never had any intention of paying in the first place and just took the piss. I'm pretty laid back in most scenarios but I don't think I'd be if that happened. Was her husband present at the time ? If she refuses to pay I'd be going back and speaking to him, I guarantee itl get paid if there's a man in the house too.
We generally just write dept off, just not worth the time or effort to collect it. We just put not though saying you own and we have stopped cleaning them. Yes it's highly annoying regardless of how much it is, but every window cleaner will at some point have money they just never get
I'm the same, i stop after two cleans now when it used to be 3 and leave a card. I honestly tell the neighbours if they ask. I say I have a 2 clean policy and if they don't pay after 2 then I stop cleaning. Have one or maybe two on going at moment. One is a hard clean with 25' pole so I won't be back even if they pay because I have been messed about and it was one I took back after non payment so I don't take these folk back again. In future if I take them back then they would need to set up a standing order.
If we haven't been paid on the first clean or the last clean, then they don't get cleaned again. This goes for established customers as well.

We need to gain the trust of new customers, but they also have to prove to us they are trustworthy. Good customers can turn into bad payers, so I'm not going to let any of my customers run their window cleaning tab up.
I wouldn't let it drop. Keep it on level headed terms and just allow a bit of time for her to reply. After a week text again a reminder. If she ignores that then go round unannounced and knock on and ask for the money due.

Persistence is key and like someone else said, it gets to a point that it's not about the money, it's about the moral right thing and teaching her a lesson that she can't get away with stuff like this for the rest of her life.

I've never not been paid.
Yes maybe right . Its a pish take when they just will not pay you for your work . Even with no complaints regarding your work. They will just move onto the next windy canvassing . Just make sure you let them know if a bad payer
I wouldn't let it drop. Keep it on level headed terms and just allow a bit of time for her to reply. After a week text again a reminder. If she ignores that then go round unannounced and knock on and ask for the money due.

Persistence is key and like someone else said, it gets to a point that it's not about the money, it's about the moral right thing and teaching her a lesson that she can't get away with stuff like this for the rest of her life.

I've never not been j
So she's replies n said she would pay this week I sent a reminder today n she was like I was waiting for a rearrange clean of the windows previously she already said don't bother so now I have to go back to rectify it to get paid when she actually said she cleaned them herself
I wouldn't let it drop. Keep it on level headed terms and just allow a bit of time for her to reply. After a week text again a reminder. If she ignores that then go round unannounced and knock on and ask for the money due.

Persistence is key and like someone else said, it gets to a point that it's not about the money, it's about the moral right thing and teaching her a lesson that she can't get away with stuff like this for the rest of her life.

I've never not been paid.
So she's replies n said she would pay this week I sent a reminder today n she was like I was waiting for a rearrange clean of the windows previously she already said don't bother so now I have to go back to rectify it to get paid when she actually said she cleaned them herself