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PW vibrating
Check the obvious first. Loose mount or rubber mount breaking up. See how much you can move it and whats allowing it to move by rocking it when it’s not running. Loose bolt. Stupid stuff like that.
Is this the same machine you had running issues with recently. Did you resolve those? Just in case connected.
Is this the same machine you had running issues with recently. Did you resolve those? Just in case connected.
Yes same machine, nothing has been resolved unfortunately, I have no one locally I can take it to for a service, so hoping for help on here.
I had a problem with mine similar to yours. I took it my local service company they couldn't find the fault. Found a farmer who knows a lot about pressure washers he found the fault, but by accident he said. He knocked it while working on it and what it ended up being was the belt tension wasn't right.
Check the obvious first. Loose mount or rubber mount breaking up. See how much you can move it and whats allowing it to move by rocking it when it’s not running. Loose bolt. Stupid stuff like that.
Thanks, I’ll take a look at the mountings and see if I can rule them out, as I’ve previously said, when the trigger is pulled the engine shakes & makes a horrible noise, when the trigger is depressed it sometimes carries on the same, but by me opening the pressure relief valve, it returns the engine to its normal running sound, seems to be a build up of pressure causing the issue?
Something to check - the brass pump with the six brass bolts inside there are seat valves they can sometimes get stuck. They need to be checked.

If you go on you tube try search for - Q Washers, Damien the company owner did a video about how to check them.
Something to check - the brass pump with the six brass bolts inside there are seat valves they can sometimes get stuck. They need to be checked.

If you go on you tube try search for - Q Washers, Damien the company owner did a video about how to check them.
Different pump to mine

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Martin C
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