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I’ve had the controller for a few years and was working perfectly, even this morning. Then suddenly this afternoon the water pressure dropped down to 0 on it without me touching it and it won’t turn off. If I hold the pressure up I can get it to 1 and hear the pump still working but when I...
Just wondering if the pump should try to pump at all when it is dead ended? I have shurflo pump and v16 controller, checked my for and set to 75, auto calibrated and it came up with C51. It does work, but every maybe 10-15 seconds I can hear the pump trying to work, albeit with less force than...
I'm looking at upgrading my controllers to the V16 version. Can anyone tell me the difference between the charging version and the non charging version? My batteries are charged using a B2B charger connected directly to the main battery so I assume I don't need the charging version. Before...
Hi lads,
A quick question, when calibrating your pump and controller, do you run the pump with the water flowing from your pole or with it dead ended?
Im having issue with my pressure switch kicking in when i dead end the water while i work. I have to keep going back to the van to restart the...
Hi there i just re jigged my van and wondered how you guys found the best way to mount a Spring controller to side panel of van?
Dont really want to glue it as want it to be easy to remove!