Starting or own a window cleaning business? We're a network of window cleaners sharing advice, tips & experience. Rounds for sale & more. Join us today!
Hi, my bro in law is setting up a window cleaning business. I mentioned that I've seen on here threads about making a new customer information leaflet or sheet with all the information they might need and policies like payment terms, weather, complaints etc. Basically getting them to agree to...
Hi all, new to the forum. Have been window cleaning by pole system for about 2 years now. Started up a new business with my father in law. He bought a new van, hot water system, a couple of new rounds of other window cleaners. We have started a new round recently (in January) some customers have...
What is the worst price job u have done?
Or worse quote from a customer?
Made me think other day as remembered customer asked me to quote for glass roof porch I said call it £5 she oh no thought it would be 50p!!!!
I just laughed
Hello WCF!
Been lurking for a while but decided to sign up and get some advice on a new customer.
Couple of weeks ago this woman texted looking for a quote, she got my number off of a Facebook post somewhere (have never found it). Did her windows this week along with about others in the...