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  1. M

    Unger Hydropower not functioning

    Hi all, I recently purchased a Unger Hydropower 6L for $1,700 and live in Alberta, Canada. Before purchasing the unit, I knew that my water TDS was 187, which is quite hard. I know it would eat through resin fairly quickly, but the distributor employee said it should still last 60 hours. At the...
  2. AnMadraRua

    WFP and some trad equipment.

    Gardiner SLX30 with 6mm hose, section 2 replaced last year. Tucker Brush. 2 x no name brushes Wyredale 350L tank and frame, only ever had pure in it. Metal reel with about 90m of 8mm hose, a few repairs made to it as it leaks a bit. Unger Ninja bucket on a belt with 10" squeegee and mop. 2...
  3. C

    Car (Toyota) advice for poles and traditional

    Sorry if I have posted this in the wrong place. So I have worked with a friend for over a year now doing the traditional way. Now I'm feeling ready to go my own way. At the moment, I have a lease with Toyota, I own the aygo. This car is not appropriate for window cleaning (poles or...
  4. Chimeara

    4th Day using Liquidator

    Well 4 days in and i have to admit to a complete turnaround, I am starting to really like the liquidator. Tbh by day 2 i was starting to get more comfortable with it. Day 3 had to turn the rubber round. but it worked pretty well straight off. End of day 4 still on the same rubber. So thanks to...
  5. Chimeara

    1st Day using Liquidator

    Hmmm well i have worked all day cleaning approx 40 semi's Using Moerman liquidator with Razr red facelift rubber. One min it seems great then for no apparent reason it leaves fine lines on the glass. If i use the rubber in a standard unger channel the are no problems at all. I have been using...