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8800 booster pump help


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Well-known member
just got my booster pump and am a bit thrown :( do I have take it yellow pipe off and fit the gray one or just push the 1/4ro pipe in the yellow pipe:worried: also is there a way to control the psi View attachment 8505

Ok so fitted the 1/4ro pipe to the yellow in, switch on the water and the ro pipe flue out:mad: I don't want to start pulling the yellow pipe incase it's not ment to come out.... I'm a noob:wasntme:

Okay so I've taken the plunge and pulled out the yellow look like pipes and not the blanks this new instructions to this so I guess you just use the grey fitting is it came with it I know this is a new post but if I was a little flummoxed another new maybe so please forgive::p:
