So today I had a very lucky escape! In the 20 years of window cleaning, using water fed poles I have never ever come across this!
Just goes to show that even after 20 years experience running equipment like this, you still have to be vigilant and careful.
The weather was a bit pants this morning, so I took my time getting ready for work, waiting for the weather to improve. So I’m sitting in bed watching a bit of Netflix, around 10am I hear this massive BANG! now next door are having some building work done, and I just assume someone dropped a large heavy wooden board or something and think to myself it’s just the builders making noise.
Weather starts to improve, so I get ready for work and have an early lunch instead with the aim to get out on the rounds for 11:30 am, I think to myself I’ll wok right through til dusk and as I have already had early lunch this would be perfect.
Get to open the van, and bellows of acrid smoke pours out, immediately stinging the nose!
I jump round to the back of the van to find the lead acid battery that powers the water fed pump has exploded; and sprayed acid everywhere!

Fortunately i wasn’t near the battery when it did go bang! It was on charge at the time so an arc probably ignited the battery!!
I had to clear it all up with bicarbonate of soda, wash the van down and it took all afternoon of carefully picking out shards of battery from the van and surrounding areas.
Imagine if that had gone off when I was near it!
Often I am close to the battery disconnecting and connecting the charger, what if it exploded a bit later, perhaps when i just go to disconnect/connect the cables?
I reckon that would have been a fatality there, the force this must of exploded with could have at the very least disfigured my face with the acid, and even severed an artery in my neck with the shards of plastic. The van was duly closed up, windows closed doors closed, and I head the loud bang in my bedroom this morning, it was loud in the bedroom!!!
I have since switched to an AGM battery as these do not explode!
Just goes to show that even after 20 years experience running equipment like this, you still have to be vigilant and careful.
The weather was a bit pants this morning, so I took my time getting ready for work, waiting for the weather to improve. So I’m sitting in bed watching a bit of Netflix, around 10am I hear this massive BANG! now next door are having some building work done, and I just assume someone dropped a large heavy wooden board or something and think to myself it’s just the builders making noise.
Weather starts to improve, so I get ready for work and have an early lunch instead with the aim to get out on the rounds for 11:30 am, I think to myself I’ll wok right through til dusk and as I have already had early lunch this would be perfect.
Get to open the van, and bellows of acrid smoke pours out, immediately stinging the nose!
I jump round to the back of the van to find the lead acid battery that powers the water fed pump has exploded; and sprayed acid everywhere!

Fortunately i wasn’t near the battery when it did go bang! It was on charge at the time so an arc probably ignited the battery!!
I had to clear it all up with bicarbonate of soda, wash the van down and it took all afternoon of carefully picking out shards of battery from the van and surrounding areas.
Imagine if that had gone off when I was near it!
Often I am close to the battery disconnecting and connecting the charger, what if it exploded a bit later, perhaps when i just go to disconnect/connect the cables?
I reckon that would have been a fatality there, the force this must of exploded with could have at the very least disfigured my face with the acid, and even severed an artery in my neck with the shards of plastic. The van was duly closed up, windows closed doors closed, and I head the loud bang in my bedroom this morning, it was loud in the bedroom!!!
I have since switched to an AGM battery as these do not explode!