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Advice/help Changing From Traditional To Wfp


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Okay so I'm considering changing my method of window cleaning from traditional to WFP.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

If I was to go down this route, I would have Brodex fit there 500ltr DI system to my van but purchase my poles from Gardiner as these seem to have the best reviews.

Has anyone had any experience with brodex when it comes to their machines and installs? (I've heard there poles arn't so great, but I would not be buying one from them).

What other company's would you recommend to do the install?

I have been cleaning windows the trad way for 12 yrs. I already clean all my frames and sills, use gg4 with a dash of ecover, (not fairy) and am struggling to justify spending all this cash. Will I notice that big a difference. And my work is ALL domestic.

How much cash u got to spend mate if u dont mind me asking ?

Also why dont u do it yourself a diy setup ? just as good saving you tons at the same time ?

I recommend purefreedom ( cant beath them ) /emoticons/tongue.png

I was looking to spend 10k. About 6 on a van, 3k for the system and 500-600 on a couple of poles. One CLX and one SLX.

I kinda believe if you buy cheap you buy twice. So if I'm going to go down this road then I want to do it properly.

The thing with having brodex or ionic or a reputable company install the system is that you get a 3yr guarantee, plus they have crash tested their systems which would give me peace of mind. Also it's bound to help when it comes to insurance.

6K on a van ? Must be apretty new van then mate /emoticons/smile.png what van u going for ?

And i got 2 poles.. i got a slx25 /emoticons/smile.png It reaches eveyday work wit ha height of 30ft

then i got a smax40 ( 42ft ) hardly use it... im just waiting for that big commercial job to come in /emoticons/smile.png/emoticons/tongue.png then i can use it /emoticons/wink.png ive only been trading for over 3 months /emoticons/smile.png so not bad...

if your going to get a pole... get a everyday 1 .. and 1 that will reach very high /emoticons/wink.png you surely wont regret it mate /emoticons/tongue.png

And what reading is your water ?

I wouldnt just go from Trad to WFP in a day. You will find your find your self behind. Maybe just get a system and do certain parts of your round with WFP untill you get good at it. Then slowly introduce it every where else. At least this will give you time to get practice while not falling behind with work to much.

Why have you decided to go all WFP ?

Iv been trad for 5 years and just recently bough a wfp set up. I done it myself... Instead of paying an extra grand for someone else to do..

Anyway, i was ok with my round doing them ladders, expect a few triples that I wasn't fussed on just dropping. But I took the chance after much thought. And I have no regrets what so ever. I do not use the pole as in many places as I originally planned as it just wasn't helping and was quicker by ladder, but the work I have gained with buying it has well covered itself in just 2 months, plus have now got the chance to do bigger better work, and that's where I want to go now. I do not take any risks now with the ladders, and it has speeded me up alot in some places.

I haven't had 1 complaint, all my regular customers were amazed by my new toy and respect the fact it's for safety rather than me wanting an easier method.

It's a good decision to add this method to your business but it isn't for everywhere

I'd be getting a ford transit connect T230.

Put on roof bars with a rolling bar at the end so I can get easy access to my ladders still.

I live in Aberdeen so we have very soft water, I'm told it's about 70ppm

I only work 14 days a month just now.

Week 1 - 4 days

Week 2 - 3 days

Week 3 - 4 days

Week 4 - 3 days

(95% of my work is monthly, the rest 2 monthly)

Obviously I would expect the first couple of cleans to take me longer but surely I'd still get round all my customers no bother?

Also the reason for me wanting to change, is mainly because my dad has been using it for the last few years and basically said he would never go back to traditional. ( he was 18yrs trad and now 3 yrs WFP)

I have worked with him using the system and found it so easy, hence why I want to change.

But reading some comments about pure water on here, customer dissatisfaction etc has made me think twice.

I'd be getting a ford transit connect T230.

Put on roof bars with a rolling bar at the end so I can get easy access to my ladders still.

I live in Aberdeen so we have very soft water, I'm told it's about 70ppm

I only work 14 days a month just now.

Week 1 - 4 days

Week 2 - 3 days

Week 3 - 4 days

Week 4 - 3 days

(95% of my work is monthly, the rest 2 monthly)

Obviously I would expect the first couple of cleans to take me longer but surely I'd still get round all my customers no bother?

Also the reason for me wanting to change, is mainly because my dad has been using it for the last few years and basically said he would never go back to traditional. ( he was 18yrs trad and now 3 yrs WFP)

I have worked with him using the system and found it so easy, hence why I want to change.

But reading some comments about pure water on here, customer dissatisfaction etc has made me think twice.
Your dads right mate he knows the score... And u always get that 1 odd customer who moans and moans but going wfp is the way forward mate. Dont worry about customers moaning... just take them off.... And replace them with new customers /emoticons/tongue.png

H use your head pal, your feets for dancing! /emoticons/wink.png

You don't want to lose any customers. Ask some customers and see what they say, ask your pops to come out with you a day and see how you get on? Some customers I said I was going to start using it and they said I don't care how you clean them as long as you clean them! Others I never even mentioned it to them, some are never in anyway.. If you have been doing it for 12 years you should have a good relationship built and most will understand. Just explain yourself and you'll be fine

I wouldnt just go from Trad to WFP in a day. You will find your find your self behind. Maybe just get a system and do certain parts of your round with WFP untill you get good at it. Then slowly introduce it every where else. At least this will give you time to get practice while not falling behind with work to much.

Why have you decided to go all WFP ?
Excellent advice IMO. A blanket change may prove a headache, you'll use loads more water at first, which will settle after a few months, partly down to the first clean aspect, partly to experience and confidence. If you pick your biggest ladder nightmare areas first and start there you get safer straight off, then just go street by street.

I told a couple of custies in advance of the change over, decided the best way was to do them and explain on the way. Some won't like it, some will complain about it ( perhaps justifiably in some cases but not all). Over the first year I lost about 200 quid, and I know for a fact that at least half of them came up mint, I've been doing it for 4 years now and just the other month had a cancellation cos he didn't like the windows being wet, it won't dry right etc, never said nothing for years cos he wasn't in when I did them and they looked fine. Long standing custies too, was surprised by some of them but it comes down to the old adage, " you can't reason with idiots".

It's true you don't want to lose any custies, but you certainly don't want to lose your life, so maybe you can compromise on some and just wfp tops, maybe some are so easy you could trad the lot, you're experienced enough to work that out.

Oh, regarding poles, you might be better off starting with a cheap pole, till you get the feel of it, you don't want to be too heavy anded and bust a 00 quid pole!

Go all wfp mate i recommend it

If customers dont like it then i wave goodbye /emoticons/smile.png

Thats why i got 130 customers in 3 months and 10 days /emoticons/smile.png cos i wave goodbye to all the bad people..

U want a round with no moaners mate...

Your the window cleaenr so clean it your way not how the customer wants it done

When a plumber calls around the customers doesnt want it done his way..

Its your trade and you specialise in it... so dont let the customer tell u how to the job /emoticons/smile.png

Simple /emoticons/smile.png just do wat u want... dont be scared of losing customers because just remember your always improving your own round

Cheers for all the advice. A lot of food for thought. Pretty sure I'm gonna down the WFP route.

I can imagine the first few months being a mixture of frustration and fun, it will be like starting a new job.

Cheers for all the advice. A lot of food for thought. Pretty sure I'm gonna down the WFP route.

I can imagine the first few months being a mixture of frustration and fun, it will be like starting a new job.
It is fun, I can say that. Annoying but fun. I went collecting to one of the houses I cleaned with the WFP I could see all the spot marks in his window. I quickly pointed out it would take 2-3 cleans before they came up well. He said to me ''there clean enough for me, son'' They were a bloody mess!

Go all wfp mate i recommend it

If customers dont like it then i wave goodbye /emoticons/smile.png

Thats why i got 130 customers in 3 months and 10 days /emoticons/smile.png cos i wave goodbye to all the bad people..

U want a round with no moaners mate...

Your the window cleaenr so clean it your way not how the customer wants it done

When a plumber calls around the customers doesnt want it done his way..

Its your trade and you specialise in it... so dont let the customer tell u how to the job /emoticons/smile.png

Simple /emoticons/smile.png just do wat u want... dont be scared of losing customers because just remember your always improving your own round
You seem to treat your customers well lol.

When I change to WFP i change about 50 customers the first then another the following month till they were all wfp a few windows I still do trad either never can get the result I want with wfp or easier to trad, but most people dont care if you trad or wfp they just want their windows cleaned. Most if theyve been with you a while will stick it out while you get to grips with the system.

We should put Harunh forward for businessman of the year /emoticons/wink.png

When I change to WFP i change about 50 customers the first then another the following month till they were all wfp a few windows I still do trad either never can get the result I want with wfp or easier to trad, but most people dont care if you trad or wfp they just want their windows cleaned. Most if theyve been with you a while will stick it out while you get to grips with the system.

We should put Harunh forward for businessman of the year /emoticons/wink.png
Haha... well to be honest customer shouldnt complain aslong as their windows are cleaned mate.... doesnt matter how the job is done... when they first agreed to your service they agreed for their windows to be cleaned.. and thats what your doing. so i dont know who some people think they are telling us window cleaners how to do out jobs !

Some cleaners agree to them aswell if a customer said to me i want u to do trad.. id say to him straight mate this is better for your house etc... i wouldnt run in my van and get the ladders out like most guys /emoticons/mellow.png

No chance



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