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@tommie26 make sure you join the window cleaning groups on facebook mate. Quite often lads need help or are looking for a decent employee. Definitely work putting your question on there. Hope you have some luck buddy 👍
Is there any specific groups you would recommend mate? Thanks for your reply also
Yes mate. There are quite a few, but the main ones seem to be "Window Cleaning Page UK", "Window Cleaners UK" "The Window Cleaning Page" and "All Things Window Cleaning UK". There are loads more but these seem to have the most posts and members (that I have seen anyway).
Yes mate. There are quite a few, but the main ones seem to be "Window Cleaning Page UK", "Window Cleaners UK" "The Window Cleaning Page" and "All Things Window Cleaning UK". There are loads more but these seem to have the most posts and members (that I have seen anyway).
Thanks a lot mate