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ball cock


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Thinking of adding one to my ro, anyone else use one? If so do you introduce it before or after the ro?

Do you mean a ball valve or a ball cock valve that is used to automatically switch off the water when say the header tank is full?

The reason for asking is that I seem to remember that your r/o was situated in your bathroom wasn't it?

Valve to turn it off when full, and yeah in bathroom with tank other side of the wall, but if better to have it before ro just means I pipe out to valve back to ro then ro output back out again.

drat thought it was about porn jokes...

me likes to live dangerous and gamble ...yeh thinking about a ball cock soon...wellies often needed in my extension .../emoticons/biggrin.png

Another cleaner had a part 2 ball **** modified by an engineering company. The tap water went into the ball **** in the tank, then out to the r/o sitting on top of the tank.

http://www.screwfix.com/p/pegler-prestex-float-valve-part-2/27627?kpid=27627&cm_mmc=Google-_-Product Listing Ads-_-Sales Tracking-_-sales tracking url&cm_mmc=Google-_-Shopping - Bathrooms-_-Shopping - Bathrooms&gclid=CPGS99m_xcgCFUv3wgod9QkD5w

The white cap in the illustration is removed and modified to fit a hose barb.

View attachment 5501

When the storage tank is full it switches of the feed to the r/o and everything switches off.

I use this the water valve it fits in top of tank

Cut a hole right size in top of tank, slot in make it snugg. Then use a piece of wood to screw on top carful not to screw in to far. Then the wood will sit in the metal frame on the tank snug. Connect water going straight from your mains runs through the shut of to your RO. Your Ro fills up your tank, when it reaches the shut of float valve it stops the water. Tank filled almost full. Make sure you get the right fittings either side of float valve.

I have had this over a year now and it's been fine.

View attachment 5504

View attachment 5505

View attachment 5506

So the consensus is put the valve before the ROP then so it cuts the water supply?

I have a ball cock identical to the brass one above I can use it was fitted on my buffer tank when pressure washing.

I use this the water valve it fits in top of tankCut a hole right size in top of tank, slot in make it snugg. Then use a piece of wood to screw on top carful not to screw in to far. Then the wood will sit in the metal frame on the tank snug. Connect water going straight from your mains runs through the shut of to your RO. Your Ro fills up your tank, when it reaches the shut of float valve it stops the water. Tank filled almost full. Make sure you get the right fittings either side of float valve.

I have had this over a year now and it's been fine.
So does that valve have an in and an out? not sure how you could switch the mains off before the RO with it? looks a really nice valve though.

Another cleaner had a part 2 ball cock modified by an engineering company. The tap water went into the ball cock in the tank, then out to the r/o sitting on top of the tank.
http://www.screwfix.com/p/pegler-prestex-float-valve-part-2/27627?kpid=27627&cm_mmc=Google-_-Product Listing Ads-_-Sales Tracking-_-sales tracking url&cm_mmc=Google-_-Shopping - Bathrooms-_-Shopping - Bathrooms&gclid=CPGS99m_xcgCFUv3wgod9QkD5w

The white cap in the illustration is removed and modified to fit a hose barb.

View attachment 8027

When the storage tank is full it switches of the feed to the r/o and everything switches off.
Think I could cobble this together myself, though my mate runs a tool shop.

if I was you I would not use a standard ball value ie brass one I would use a plastic value something like a torbeck ball valve very light and works well with low pressure


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