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Best water fed pole system???


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finley Lennon Carl

New member
Hi I'm about to purchase my 1st reach and wash. I have 400 houses at the moment and need a 2 man ro system. What's the best system? And how much roughly is a fell setup going to cost?

Hi I'm about to purchase my 1st reach and wash. I have 400 houses at the moment and need a 2 man ro system. What's the best system? And how much roughly is a fell setup going to cost?
Welcome. Have a look in the WFP section, you'll find loads of info there.

It all depends on were you live i.e. Your water reading i.e. Softwater or hard water a soft water system will be much cheaper to buy or build as the water only goes through a di vessel and in to the tank .

I bought my 2man 650L soft water system from window cleaning warehouse I think it was £2300 fitted ,if when I decide to get a new system I will build my own for fraction of the price, for two men you need a 1000L system to work all day I would also get a FLAT tank .
