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Best way to clean window sills on apartments that have brick surrouding them


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Is there a careful way to clean the window sills using watered pole when the sills are surrounded by bricks? Is it wise to use a smaller brush and just rinse round the edges?
Window cleaners clean windows not brick solider courses
If you have your brush head pointing up in that direction your technique, understanding and approach is incorrect

Glass and frames only
Are you having issues of brick particles ending up on the glass when you rinse?
I have a couple of windows whose bricks are failing and unless rinsed carefully deposit brick granules on the frames during rinsing. Personally I just rinse the frames very carefully trying to keep any splashing of the bricks to a minimum, I try and do these windows first so i can go back at the end to double check them.
@richard123456 I have a few like this buddy. I use a Gardiner flocked ultimate brush with a brush bumper, and clean as close to the edge as I can. As it's a rectangular brush it gets quite close to the edges. I go fairly slowly around the edges but they come up fine. The brush bumper just stops the brush stock getting scratched/worn on its sides