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A friend has just brought one of these seems it’s pretty much a clone of the ultimate gardners brush it felt very nice indeed has anyone else tried one ?IMG_1438.png
@tench0771 Haven't tried them myself but I saw these on eBay a little while back. I think it said their poles (not sure about the brushes) were aimed at the domestic market but they looked ok. I think the reviews were generally ok too. Trouble is unless I heard otherwise I'd stick to the brush suppliers I was already familiar with.
I was fortunate enough to have a quick go on a window the jets are 1.5mm I think he said the waight felt the same as a ultmate be they only sell DuPont bristles but apparently there rated to 60c they were definitely thicker bristles I was very impressed with it the price is very appealing too I may order the extreme one when it’s back in stock
I was fortunate enough to have a quick go on a window the jets are 1.5mm I think he said the waight felt the same as a ultmate be they only sell DuPont bristles but apparently there rated to 60c they were definitely thicker bristles I was very impressed with it the price is very appealing too I may order the extreme one when it’s back in stock
@tench0771 if you liked it then go for it mate. Worth a try, especially if they're reasonable quality at a good price 👍
As soon as there extreme one is back in stock I’ll order one I don’t really want the other as it’s same waight as the ultimate and im pulling away from them heavier brushes as they unbalance the extreme poles
As soon as there extreme one is back in stock I’ll order one I don’t really want the other as it’s same waight as the ultimate and im pulling away from them heavier brushes as they unbalance the extreme poles
@tench0771 I didn't know they did an Xtreme type version, I'll have to keep a look out for it. I too find the heavier brushes a bit unbalancing too and I use an SLX, so must be awkward on an Xtreme pole. I've been using a Dupont super lite and the flocked universal sill quite a bit recently as have had a few first cleans, and I find not only are the heavier but they a bit clunky and don't really make the work that much easier/quicker than using my trusty Xtreme sill to be honest. Just had a new supreme flocked arrive a few days ago, so that will be replacing the super lite and universal sill for a while I think. I think once you used to lighter brushes it's hard to go back.