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Canvassing care homes


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This is part of my plan for 2017. To add a few care homes lads.

How is best to approach this in your experience ?

Letter them all with a follow up call to the manager?

In my area there are tons of these homes , but price alone may be an issue because I don't want to be doing them dirt cheap..and many may be used to that here.

I'm still trad but have the backpack if reqd.

Any pointers that would ensure I'm successful with tendering?

All the ones I have approached me.I have noticed window cleaners seem to really want to target care homes over the last couple of years.

Many of my jobs get canvassed regular.

I have looked at some when they have come up for tender and the price they have been getting cleaned for is peanuts but not all are based on price some I have pay very well but are very strict on health and safety.

Some you now have to be on there approved contractor list meaning you have to meet their standards and requirements for health and safety.

This is part of my plan for 2017. To add a few care homes lads.
How is best to approach this in your experience ?

Letter them all with a follow up call to the manager?

In my area there are tons of these homes , but price alone may be an issue because I don't want to be doing them dirt cheap..and many may be used to that here.

I'm still trad but have the backpack if reqd.

Any pointers that would ensure I'm successful with tendering?
Hi Chris, The one I do is monthly, internal one month and external the next and they pay by bacs usually within seven days. I clean traditionally and they're o.k. with ladders on site. You're best approaching the manager, if it's a big firm they'll point you in the right direction. I make roughly 35_40 pounds per hour and add a couple of quid a year for inflation etc.

This one I've got is fine, however as I mentioned on here before the other one I had was a real pain having to wait 3 months to get paid etc, I was relieved when it went.

Anyway having read your blog you've come along way in a short time. Well done pal.

I'm pretty much all residential but got advised to do care homes. done my first one last week I'm wfp quite large property done my self in 3 hours, set up to pack up and gone for £160 there last window cleaner done for £130...he was pleased with my work and gave me £170 by bacs doing every 2 months. I'm going to target more in my area 2017 I'd say there was well worth it mate. only wish I thought of them earlier.

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I'm pretty much all residential but got advised to do care homes. done my first one last week I'm wfp quite large property done my self in 3 hours, set up to pack up and gone for £160 there last window cleaner done for £130...he was pleased with my work and gave me £170 by bacs doing every 2 months. I'm going to target more in my area 2017 I'd say there was well worth it mate. only wish I thought of them earlier.
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I just Googled a few in my area sent them a e mail and got response of that one the next day went visit and fitted in next day after rest of my windows....last few windows I was virtually doing them in dark lol..

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@jay198127 aye I seen your post about that. Good price that is. I'm gona spend some time focusing on on these care homes.

Email or letter at first it is then. Follow up call etc.

Hi my names Jamie I'm a local window cleaner, I wondered if you had a window cleaner at the moment, or if you have are you happy with the price and service he provides.

Would you be interested in letting me come and visit and give you a no obligation quote, as part of my service I would clean all windows, frames, sills and doors, can also provide interior window cleaning if needed as well.

Thanks for your time in reading my e mail, I hope I can be of service to you in the future, kind regards

add company name and your name etc...but worked for me...feel free to use..

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@Bucko Jr @jay198127 below is what I ended up sending..will chase these up with a phone call tomorrow

Dear Manager/Owner,

I write to you as the proprietor of Fife Window Cleaning Services, and am enquiring as to whether you have a window cleaning contract in place for your care home. I also offer gutter cleaning, cladding cleaning etc as well.

I am the owner/operator of my company, of which you can see information such as reviews and imagery at https://www.facebook.com/fifewindowcleaningservices/or simply by searching under my company name on Facebook. All of my reviews are 5 star, with many reviews showing additional comments regarding the service provided.

I currently provide commercial window cleaning for outlets such as Cluny Clays and Gym 64 in Kirkcaldy, along with a lot of residential window cleaning; the method used is generally by way of traditional cleaning although for hard to reach/high up windows I do have a reach and wash pole system.

I have a Fife Council licence in place, and also have liability insurance in place. Having worked in care for most of my adult life prior to starting this company, I also have an up to date PVG that I can show you. These can all be produced if required.

I am based in Cowdenbeath but have work throughout Fife; If this service is something that you may be interested in then please let me know-and I can provide a free no obligation quote.

Chris Fotheringham

Fife Window Cleaning Services

07856 539498


Chris 33 nice e mail bit more detail and refined to mine lol....I didn't really put a lot of thought in to mine, was just a spur of the moment thing when had 5 minutes free....still worked and I'm sure yours will as well...might have to nick few ideas of your as well if that's ok with you chris 33

bucko Jr mine was Hi my names Jamie I'm a local window cleaner, I wondered if you had a window cleaner at the moment, or if you have are you happy with the price and service he provides.

Would you be interested in letting me come and visit and give you a no obligation quote, as part of my service I would clean all windows, frames, sills and doors, can also provide interior window cleaning if needed as well.

Thanks for your time in reading my e mail, I hope I can be of service to you in the future, kind regards

company name your name etc kind regards etc at bottom...

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@jay198127 you gave me a basis to work off mate so ta. Yes you can use any of my stuff you want,unless it's website imagery I don't have any gripes.


Mind chase them non repliers up with a polite phone call to the manager chaps.

IE 'eh I emailed you like a day ago! Why have you not replied??don't ya know who I am?what I do? How heavy my poles are?' Etc etc...feel free to copy and paste
