Ladder Lew
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I have been asked a few times of late here for tips and advice on how to get business on commercial high street property so I have decided to write this guide as a how to, Do remember, this is not the only way, it is simply my way.
Now, a couple of key facts to bear in mind is that not all high street shops can give you permission to work on their windows, for example some shops that stand in say a square of shops might have a management company for the communal areas whose permission you would need as well as any H&S guidelines they want to impose so bear this in mind when selecting stores.
Step 1 - RECON - This is the most critical step in the process!
Take a walk around all your local shopping precinct and high streets with a not pad and pen, make a list of all the stores you want to target. Take a photograph of each store front including signage and any windows above (Sometimes these are the stores offices)
When you get home, get on your telephone and call up each store on your list. The conversation goes a little like this:
Hello 3D Shoe Repairs, Can I help you?
Oh hello there, this is Darren from Green Window Cleaning, I have some information I wish to send to the store manager, could I get their name?
Sure, it's Mary Jones (Fictional name for purpose of this demonstration)
That's great, have a good day. (Click, end of conversation)
Stage 2: We hit the Microsoft Word
(Imagine the following as a single A4 sheet of paper.)
Green Window Cleaner
123 Happy Street
Cherie Town,
Dear Mary,
I just wanted to drop you a quick note and Introduce myself to you. I am Darren of Green Window Cleaning your local professional window cleaning service.
As you may already be aware we currently service several of the retail businesses along the high street.
To give you an idea of the typical service we can offer I have attached the following quotation for you based on the image of your store front below.
All external showroom windows once per week
Internal showroom doors once per week
Internal showroom windows once per month
Shop front signage (using pure water technology) once per month.
We can offer this service to you business for just £14 per week. However should you need something more tailored to your specific requirements then please do not hesitate to contact me on 07581 123 456 to discuss your requirements.
Kind regards,
Darren. Green Window Cleaner.
STEP 3: Put it in an envelope and take it to the post office, post it to the person, do not drop it in by hand.
Step 4,: Armed with your clip board, business card and nice clean and ironed t-shirt with company logo on walk into the shop a wee -ten days later. (if the shop is bustling with customers walk away and comeback later)
Ask to see Mary Jones,
Hi, I'm Mary.
Hello Mary, Darren From Green Window Cleaner, I wrote to you a couple of weeks back regarding your window cleaning.
Ahhh, yes I remember, you said £15 per week was it?
Yes that's right.
Now it goes one of four ways.
1) We already have a window cleaner we are happy with.
That's great, well keep my card if you would and should for some reason he ever lets you down just give me a call as we'd love to have you as a client.
Will do.
2) Ahh I passed your details along, all that sort of thing is dealt with by head office.
3) We have a window cleaner at the moment, he only charges £12, if you can match that you can have the job.
(Be cautious) will he do all of what you are offering for the same price? or are they just trying to haggle you down, only you can read the customer on the spot so it's up to you)
4) Yes, sorry I didn't get back to you, been manic here, when can you start? BINGO
This is not the golden goose, this is just s method I use and have had great success with in the past. As you go you will tailor you method to suit you but remember the more professionally you present yourself they more professionally they will regard you.
Even when rejected, always keep it friendly, ask if they mind you dropping in in a couple of months to see if there's any changes, they always say that's fine.
Become a face on the high street, become the one they all know so they wave you down.
I have 4 small shops I do on my local high street for free (well they think it is)
A cafe, the hairdresser that does all the grannies, the hair dresser that does all the trendies and the paper shop.
All four jobs combined take me 20 minutes once a week. What do they all have in common?
They all have an A4 poster with my contact details and services displayed on their front door.
That system has gotten me so much business I've lost track.
Well good luck, now get touting!