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Clearview Lee

Well-known member
Northwest London
Well that's another morning I can't get started. Cold water!

I think I need to invest in an addition to my cold water system, a separate heater or something. I don't want to go too overboard as this only happens to me a max of 2-3 times a year.

Can hot water go through the resin vessel okay??

Any suggestions gratefully received. Brrrrr....

Stay indoors and keep warm. Or get your trad gear out !! It's not worth working in minus conditions as your gear will still freeze up,unless your using a hot water system.

Well that's another morning I can't get started. Cold water!
I think I need to invest in an addition to my cold water system, a separate heater or something. I don't want to go too overboard as this only happens to me a max of 2-3 times a year.

Can hot water go through the resin vessel okay??

Any suggestions gratefully received. Brrrrr....

Yes, is the short answer.

If you are filling up from the hot water boiler then I wouldn't use water more that about 40 degrees C. Obviously, your resin longevity will depend on your tap water's TDS.

Yes, is the short answer.
If you are filling up from the hot water boiler then I wouldn't use water more that about 40 degrees C. Obviously, your resin longevity will depend on your tap water's TDS.
Thanks! I hadn't even thought of doing it that way. I have a ICB Tank in garage, so fill van up from there cold. I was thinking of separate heater in van so cold water from tank goes thru a heater system-DI vessel-pole

I've struggled this week. Take hose and poles in overnight and drain any water from hoses at the end of the day - extension cable with oil radiator on full blast for 20 mins in the morning if it's really bad

I'm in South Wales.

It is annoying as I got a bit to do and trying to juggle 2 jobs at the moment. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Where in south Wales, Swansea is freezing! Luckily not icy so managed to get a full day on the go today supposed to start warming up from tomorrow

Been freezing up here recently in Scotland, its ok today, cold but not freezing, but i have a stinker of a cold, which has zapped me of energy, so no money making for me, perhaps tomorrow, all the best.

Regarding hot water, thankfully I can fit my van into garage(fiat doblo, garage is a council lock up, so not next to house), I just use barrels at the moment, but my thoughts were if I ever got round to it, would be to have a tank in my small shed that I could put a tank in and plug some kind of immersion in to heat the water, then pump that into van tank, have the tank in van insulated to keep heat in, I know some of the heat would be lost whilst transffering into van, does anyone do that?

It's not to bad here usually. We get away with it quite well. I'm right up to date. Just an office to do tomo morn for 2.5 hours then I'm done til mon

Im running cold water wfp , Been doing okay in about -3 today . Oil radiator at longer stops. I just don't turn of the brush between setups at the house , otherwise it will instantly freeze my nozzles up .

Minus 2 all day in the freezing fog. Every time I turned the pump off, the jets froze up. Aaaaggggghhhh.

My extremities are numb.
