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Concept20 system...any good?


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Shine Window Cleaning

Well-known member
Looking at a van with the above hot water system in.

Does anyone know what they're like...gonna give them a bell, but would be interested if anyone has experience of?

Cheers fellas!

Overpriced for what it is if you ask me.

Take the covers of it and all it is is a basic wfp van mount with a gas water heater.

You could DIY a gas hot water van mount and save yourself thousands.

Hi I have got one .They are over priced when new. But as they say you get what you pay for. They are the best made systems by a mile. The workmanship in the install is second to none. Used ones don't come up two often. Probably because they are the top of the tree as far as the water fed pole market. So I wouldn't say they have sold thousands'

No it came as a package van work web site. I glad to say somebody else spent a fortune. I must say though after working with it It has a lot of good points you don't see at first Like being able to refill a 650lt tank in 2 hours.Because of the filter system they use and the special un baffled tanks that when full have no affect on the handling at all.

The one in the add is one of the first they made and from the look of it Its been taken from another van because the install is no were near the standard you get from there factory fit.

I've seen a few being sold on fleebay over the years for one reason or another. I also just don't get why some pay stupid amounts of money for new systems like that as they must have more money than sense.

I think your right smurf Its supposed to be under the van.
That's frightening. That isn't allowed to be in the vehicle. If it's in the vehicle the tank connections have to be in a box behind a 'sealed' cover and vented to the outside of the vehicle through the floor.

It also looks like the wrong LPG tank that's been modified. For LPG heaters we need a vapour tank, not a tank that is used for petrol engine LPG conversions. A vapour tank takes gas from the top of the tank where the other tank takes liquid gas from the bottom of the tank.

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