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Crap customers whom have no respect. Advice please.


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I no its been done before, but I want to let some anger out!

I really love this job window cleaning and do some connys and fascia and soffits cleaning, but the one and only one thing that ruiens it is crappy customers. I am new to this, so really seeing first hand some of the frustrations on here towards crap customers.

I have taken advice on here and have kept my growing round clena of them, its upsetting as building well but taken recently 9 people off as they just non stop mess and are unreliable and I find myself runnign about to get thier custom. I took the advice and got rid and deleted off my lists, when they come calling if they do I will not be doing them.

Today ready for Monday send out a reminder message, and get off 4 customer sin same road whom no each other all similar message, oh can not do windows as am out, can not do windows forgot no money left by hubby as he gone away on work and oh there clean really still can you do in 6 weeks and there 4 weekly, but they confirms nearly 4 weeks ago all was ok to come, so when were they going to tell me? Thats my main point, some people can just be rude and think window cleaners just sit and when someone calls we go out and clean and have no sructure to our business. I am glad my round has shrunk a little still going really well but I will say to anyone building up get rid of them asap and build a solid round of proper customers, Monday mornign ruiend now and at a loss and could have got other people booked in.

Any tips on how you the experienced guys deal with it? I think I am right in getting rid and moving on as I will never no if they are going to be there on the day and can not afford to lose loads time and just being messed about, so fed up of them.

I look for the tale tale signs when takign them on, but have had around 11 go now as wont take it anymore, feel better as have a clean round now but jst so angry!!!!!! RANT OVER! lol

Just be nice to hear what you guys do to act on this issue and also a pre solution if there is one?

Thanks /emoticons/smile.png

p.s. Apart form that, love window cleaning and its the best job going:) just dont want to encounter many more dick heads like these morons too much, just people with no lack of rspect. If the sky man or deivery man wants to come do they do the same? so why are window cleaners treated like crap, when its a business and a very good one.

If they mess you about **** em off mate

You may have less work to do monday but the spare time you now have can be used to canvass more customers who may be a bit more reliable

Dropped 3 last week and had the hump but got new ones worth more and less travelling

Just crack on

That's why i say it's better to canvass too much work so you can then seperate the wheat from the chaff

its how the modern world is-no respect- look at how staff are spoken to in McD shows you how it is .

a good way to get over it is to think ,right,im gonna do a spot of leafletting tmoro -this redresses the balance ,youre on the hunt .

Whatever you do dont brood over it,never text them back cos they wont change. theyv moved on now- putting in a claim for a /bad meal /ruined weekend break etc although it was normal ,they get a kick from it .

you must move on too - youre doing good by sounds of it Scottie

When you first start out all keen its often easy to pressure sell the monthly/regular service. A lot of the problems I see on here come from trying to grow too quickly, and offering the first clean at regular clean prices to entice people in. They pay there £12 but they don't want you regular, yet feel pressured to say yes. The next month comes round and they realise they don't want to pay again ("still clean"). But I have found its best to just charge a good wage for a one off, and make light mention of the monthly. Just a mention. If they take the bait it means its something they want then they'll come to you- these are the best customers.

I've been cleaning 20 year and never text customers the night before and wouldn't have time not only that but it gives them the oppurtunity to tell you to leave them and it's much easier said in text than person

All my work is 2-3 week depending on weather that's what I tell them and then I have my monthly I do not clean anything less regular

Fill those spaces tomorrow as soon as poss. Can anyone be brought forward by a day? Did anyone miss a clean last week? etc etc......then worry about what to do with the customers that messed you around.

In the 27 minutes since my last post on here i just got 2 new custys

1 i quoted yesterday and one off facebook through recommendation

Always potential work about so don't need to tolerate wasters

You are best off without those ones. I charge an extra 50% for first cleans, sorts out the chancers from the ones who really want windows done. I only text the ones that I need to be in, otherwise I clean when I want to. If you keep building up your round eventually it pretty much stops, after 17 years it takes me 8-10 weeks to get round my round now, means I can charge more cos I sell it that as I'm round every other month the £20 is actually a £10 a month and the new work I get is only through recommendation no canvassing. Tomorrow if you are short of work offer to do something else for the customers that you have got. Gutters, fascias cons roof, you'll soon fill up your day. Happy cleaning tomorrow!

Know how you feel mate. I booked a conny roof in the other week. I got a text the night before cancelling because the cat had died! Would she have cancelled the bloke who was going to come and fix the washing machine because the cat had died? I think not! I have also cleaned 2 houses next door to each other a couple of weeks ago. They asked to pay by BACS and I left my details after the clean. After 10 days neither had paid, I called round when collecting and both were out. I left my details for a second time, still haven't been paid. I hate the lack of respect some people have towards us, but it seems country wide I'm afraid /emoticons/sad.png

Oh, the dead cat woman texted this morning to ask me to re-book. As I have a quiet day on Friday I'll do it then, but only because I have naff all else to do.

but dont forget....

Sorry we missed you and understand that "rain stopped play" today.

It was always good to see your smiling face at number 25 and thank you for your kind words.

Hope you and the family keep well and I will let you know when we need our windows cleaned in Cyprus !!

Best wishes


there not all bad...and I skived off doing it on friday../emoticons/biggrin.png

I like to text as many as poss day before - it's rare they cancel as I do residential every 6 week so they all ready for cleaning .

One did recently reply 'give it a miss this time'

' can I ask why?'

' there's work going on up the road and it's blowing down on to ours '

So that's getting dropped cos that's pathetic !

Know how you feel mate. I booked a conny roof in the other week. I got a text the night before cancelling because the cat had died! Would she have cancelled the bloke who was going to come and fix the washing machine because the cat had died? I think not! I have also cleaned 2 houses next door to each other a couple of weeks ago. They asked to pay by BACS and I left my details after the clean. After 10 days neither had paid, I called round when collecting and both were out. I left my details for a second time, still haven't been paid. I hate the lack of respect some people have towards us, but it seems country wide I'm afraid /emoticons/sad.png
I say this to my Mrs all the time; they should bring out a programme called 'Cowboy Customers'. Theres plenty of them about. I've never been stiffed for money, but for new customers/one offs its always best to say cash or cheque only. I know cheques can bounce, but its unlikely compared to the odd chancer that want to try the 'I forgot' routine.

yep with you on that one tolish..

I have one who was the subject of ten emails to get me there and its only six pound...two months later no money yet..

but ...he did have a fit wifey so I dont mind calling back..again and again.../emoticons/biggrin.png

yep with you on that one tolish..
I have one who was the subject of ten emails to get me there and its only six pound...two months later no money yet..

but ...he did have a fit wifey so I dont mind calling back..again and again.../emoticons/biggrin.png
£6 mate??? I hope this was the house in question...



Can't believe some people. I reckon they need the '@boarcity Bamboo Planting Service'.

I like to text as many as poss day before - it's rare they cancel as I do residential every 6 week so they all ready for cleaning .One did recently reply 'give it a miss this time'

' can I ask why?'

' there's work going on up the road and it's blowing down on to ours '

So that's getting dropped cos that's pathetic !
Yeah, I have one I've done twice, I don't like the bloke tbf and a bit full of himself, but money is money. Anyway, I texted him to say I was calling last week and he texted back saying they are having work done and he will text me in a few weeks. I happened to be in the next road on Thursday and thought I'd 'pass' by. It seemed very quiet at his house, unless he's on holiday and didn't want to let on. I've put him on the suspended list for now.

Some good advice there, thank you very much everyone. I am deffo following still the advice to drop them as they are hassle, if I had not text and FB them I would ahve gone tomorrow and driven there for nothing, I do text day before or facebook them only takes 5 mins and I no my day rota then, nothing worse and they are not in or make an excuse up. I just feel I have to message raminders or I will have a day I dont no what to expect like tomorow 3 custys in morning all blowen me out. They are now dropped!!!! off my lists and they can go swivle if they contact me.

Boarcity your right, the lack of respect on the streets these days is awful, its not good as I am a very honest and respectful person so probably a a soft touch, but need to get tuffer now and yes out tomorrow and hitting facebook with a promo and group bump instead.

I just am trying to streamline my operation so I no each day my rota and its all logged in the book and have time slots and strcture to things, so the messey ones fook it right up, but now I am messey free lol! so rolls fine again.

Our trade is wanted and people will alwasy want windows cleaned and lots people love to have a regular window cleaner, but lots people I feel treat us like we are not running a business and I feel they look down on us, I had this discussion before on here, I have had people talk to me and almost refer like I am a low working class worker earning next to nothing. If only they new what we earn, its a good paid job, far better than average office work etc etc.


I would say to to messers now something like "just phone me when you want your windows cleaned next and I will see if I can fit you in that month sometime. Reason being I have only very limited spaces left on my regular window cleaning round now and obviously my regular loyal customers take priority."

In other words is a nice way to say fook off and find someone else to mess about:D

I only message those with access issues or who I know will have the back gate locked while at work

I had one the other week who i had just cleaned for the second time

First time I did fsg and they recommended me to others on facebook

This time i did it and they said thanks but don't bother for a while as we have a few holidays lined up and i don't give a ***** if they are dirty while I'm away

He's gone now as i said to him i need to pay my bills every month not just when people aren't on holiday

Last summer I gained 10 customers all on the same street all next to each other £70 all in a hour and a half,

Went well for 6 months and I soon learned they were all related or really good friends.

Autumn set in and a few did the ow don't bother in this weather then before long all of them said can I knock first ended up during winter none of them had a clean and I was just wasting time driving there and door knocking so last month I drew a thick line on that street and I won't return but I guarantee they will ring come better weather but I'll say thanks but no thanks

and one thing I will add....for those you drop

the number of new house building sites popping up everywhere means...

we are going to be in demand for a long time yet../emoticons/biggrin.png

to be fair tolish...I d rather live in that shed than some of these new houses...it has two up at the front but only one climb at the back..the garden which would mean the cat got its head knocked on the fence if you were to swing it...:rolleyes:no its not a good way to measure I know...

backs onto a railway line and across from that is the industrial estate....

but to us window cleaners....a very easy six quid....well....if you get it that is....

but then again if his wife keeps answering the door in her negligee....

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