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Do I need tap after pump?


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I'm going to use the bits from my pure freedom trolley to make a van system this weekend. I've got a hose running to external van port as I sometimes left trolley in the van. 

Question is, hose from tank outlet to pump - then hose from pump to external port. Do I need a shut off valve after the pump? Will the water drain from my tank through the pump without pump running?

 Thanks in advance 

Some pumps 'leak' and some don't. The common way of doing it is to fit a stop tap connector at the van port.

I hate those things although a Claber one from Gardiners lasted my son in law 4 years before he packed

in window cleaning.

This is the way we did it from day one. That was taken in 2007 and that same connector is still in used today but on a different van. If you look carefully you will see that we have filled the Hozelok connector with silicon adhesive. I have 2 of the same on my van and I use 1 on my hose reel to stop it dripping water into the van.



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That seems simple enough, thanks for taking the time to respond, much appreciated 
