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Do you charge more (internal clean) for a house with kids and pets?


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Neil nowdownunder

Well-known member
Done a beautiful house today only about 5 years old, loads of really big windows, turned out the inside glass was dirtier than the outside glass. At the moment I've been charging the same price for in as out. I was wondering whether the inside should be cheaper price until I came across this house today. All sorts of crap on the windows. Took much longer doing the inside than outside which is a first. Does anyone up the price when there's kids and pets? :)

No, I'd say it's swings and roundabouts. There's no way to objectively measure the "kids and pets" etc, so you can't really put a price on it. Maybe just time yourself and base it upon that.

Me personally, I always just charge the same as I do for the outside, even if it's a one-off every blue moon clean

hmmmm bloody kids....one little cutie wtf she had on her hands I dont know but it took four attempts to shift it proper...

and yep it was behind them stupid patio railings up a ladder...in full sun...and of course they were watching:specs

one place I clean....every single pane had this handprint on it and not saying what was going through my mind about the need for the kid to follow the on window sticker with his greasy prints...

of course I just love the little darlings honest..:whistle:

all my insides are mucho extra unless done regular...

or they are milf owned...in which case I can deduct the milf allowance..:Dwell some people pay online for what I sometimes get for free as perks of the job...:rofl:

If you quickly wipe the glass with a microfibre wet with water and ubik/virosol before you soap it up properly all the grease and muck pretty much comes off straight away

Very dirty bits give a bit of a hard rub first and jobs a good un

yeh gav ...the invisible icons game was fun at first but...its getting boring now:rofl:

you can still get them folks thanks to mr bump for spotting they are just invisible so you have to hover over them...just gavs little jokes...he likes to play them now and then..

I usually charge 1.5 times for an internal clean unless they're a very good customer then it's just the same as outside.
