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EBay van sign writing vinyl


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So, I've been quoted at 200 to get the partner sign written guys.

Was looking at eBay and there's a number of companies that offer to make and send signing to me,offered in two colours, four lines for either side, front signing if wanted and rear signing; and their specific van signing eBay feedback ive seen looks good.

Has anyone went down this route, or knows of particular suppliers that are reputable?

i used the ebay guy ,in fact iv used him twice now ,eazzyprint i think his name is. paid under 50 quid each time .

theres a knack to putting the stickers on tho. View attachment 7806

I'm gonna pranky you bore!!

Wait till you hear my Ian Beale accent.

That's what I'll do then, thank you.I better give them an idea of the space available for each line I guess or it'll risk going past contours etc.

I did mine on www.thesignbuilder.co.uk

Cost about £115 and applied it myself in an hour or so. I just posted a pic in another thread but I'll post it here anyway.


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Where was that done CHWS?

All look proper good! Like the number down the side there Adam, makes more room for company name.

I'm gonna pranky you bore!!
Wait till you hear my Ian Beale accent.

That's what I'll do then, thank you.I better give them an idea of the space available for each line I guess or it'll risk going past contours etc.
i will be on alert now youv warned me! /emoticons/wink.png

I actually can't remember lol, someone off here said a website and I went with it. It was a bit dearer apparently because of the 3d lettering

Iam put in a order for whole van from thesignbuilder too only paid £113 two sides and back I could have bonnet but i didn't should be here at end of week they told me they even had escort van template which I thought was good

I'll look into that too,eBay guys say their grade 4 vinyl and that signers use grade 7. Grade 4 looks good in pics though to be fair.

Right ordered this signage now. From above mentioned eBay seller.

Adam thanks for the find me on fb idea, they are adding that along sides too.

So 25 quid or something gets me company name on sides, website, phone number and find me on fb signs (not as cool as your original fb blue one I'm afraid, limited to two colours here and red and black are my options)

Rear gets company name and number across back doors; and website and find me on fb signage (small) one of each on each door (i hope). Didn't want front logo so hope they'll give me that wee extra ha.

Thanks for everyones input, invaluable as usual.

Make sure you post a pic when it's done, I'm always interested to see them. I'm still not sure if I'll ever get mine done as I'm the kind of driver that would generate a lot of complaints./emoticons/biggrin.png

I went with a guy on eBay called Signman ( green used same one) £35 and he does biggest surface area out of all the eBay sellers for all four sides, and he'll design a logo for you.

Aye he looked good bud.

But I seen his claim re largest signing area, not true as it isn't as big as the above mentioned one meridion, also the area available to sign kinda depends on van space.

My partner only has so much space on sides due to contours and stuff. Also,one rear door is wider than the other (glad I checked that actually)

I've got the preview made up from sign ppl, and glad I checked their email as they'd spelt website wrong!


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