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Extremely hydrophobic glass


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Has anyone ever had windows that are extremely hydrophobic and no matter how you rinse them , how many times you rinse and how fast your flow is they keep spotting?
I have one house on my run like this and after trying everything over the course of 6 or 7 cleans I’ve decided to just trad it to save me the bother . I found I was spending too much time rinsing and going back to check that it just makes sense to trad them and move on. The glass also has a slight tint that might be affecting the drying processs.
We have a few like this but they dry spot free, are you sure you are scrubbing them and rinsing enough ?? Are the spots anything to do with a film or tint breakdown on the glass ? Don’t know what else to suggest
Has anyone ever had windows that are extremely hydrophobic and no matter how you rinse them , how many times you rinse and how fast your flow is they keep spotting?
I have one house on my run like this and after trying everything over the course of 6 or 7 cleans I’ve decided to just trad it to save me the bother . I found I was spending too much time rinsing and going back to check that it just makes sense to trad them and move on. The glass also has a slight tint that might be affecting the drying processs.
We had a customer whose windows did the same. It didn't matter how many times the windows were cleaned. Her windows also had a tint to them. When she changed the glass on some and the windows on the others, the problem immediately went away.

We used to blade the lower windows in the beginning as we couldn't stop the spotting.
funnily enough I did a bungalow yesterday with the same issue. They have nether complained though
I pointed it out the owners and they hadn’t noticed but I’d prefer tradding it so there’s no come back. I think more often than not we as window cleaners will notice marks , streaks and runs etc more than any customer will.
hydrophobic glass can be dealt with by placing the brush flat on the glass & slowly glide up and down the glass in fixed lines, this will cause the water to to trail behind the brush, to close out from the top, slowly tip the brush head at an angle left to right, do not take the brush off the glass until you are at the bottom.. give it a try works for me..
Annoyingly, I have a big commercial job like this and it was breaking my heart so now I just blade off the excess. It's a an easier life doing that & with lots of framework/potential track lines it actually works out much quicker doing it that way.

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