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First batch of pure done had to flush first ?


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Well-known member
Hi guys first batch of pure water done today before that flushed for an hour what is the flushing process exactly? What does it actually do ? And why needed etc???

First jobs Thursday :sweating:

Thanks again guys

That is not back flushing but just iosolating the di so it lasts longer on start up.

To back flush an ro the priciple is to dislodge crap on the membrane so it's flushed out into the waste outlet. In doing so prolongs the life of the membrane and don't get clogged so quickly.

That is not back flushing but just iosolating the di so it lasts longer on start up.
To back flush an ro the priciple is to dislodge **** on the membrane so it's flushed out into the waste outlet. In doing so prolongs the life of the membrane and don't get clogged so quickly.
thanks smurf
