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Hi Guys,

What footwear do you tradders wear ?Don't feel 100% safe with trainers going up and down a ladder esp when the rungs get a little damp this weather, I currently wear work boots but can be a little heavy on some slightly sloped pitched roofs we have to climb on (only if tiles allow may I add), so Just wandering what you guys opt for ?

I always wore trainers when going up and down the ladder, you can feel the rungs better, but your feet get wet walking on the grass :thumbsdown:

I've got to start wearing wellies for one job, the back of the house is in a field and the gras is knee high. Yep, I'm a mug :confused:

We are all guilty of taking jobs we wish we didn't Tuffers I'm afraid me included.


my opinion,cannot beat trainers for the grip needed on rungs as well as on roofs. i like anything by Adidas for grippy soles

heres my current work shoe Adidas zx750 , about 3 months old View attachment 3075

I was going to do a review on these,but in short they are perfect for trad work. They stick like **** to slopey roofs, the ends are a little bit pointy which help get into the rungs, they are safety toed, and they are tough as old...um...boots. :thumbsup:



on closer inspection my favourite make of View attachment 3077 shoes are already on the way out. 12 weeks in or so. not so tuff after all. that reminds me,i used to love Mercury trainers,the cheap mans shoe . they have a marshmallow rubber sole ,incredibly good grip but wear out fast. i used to go thru a pair every 6 weeks. i persuaded the manageress of a local shoe shop to order me in 15 pairs in one go. i wore em all out in a year and a half .

View attachment 3076

ta tuffers for reminding me of a job i have forgot which i am doing on tuesday...well i had to book the wifes car in at the local garage and the owner of the forecourt i have to cross is a house i didnt want to clean....part of it ..is across a load of barbed wire and a field....i sneaked down the side of the cars to book my wifes car in at the back but on the way out i forgot to sneak....he crossed the road to where i was working and shouted oh i need a window cleaner and started to tell me where he lived..i pointed out i already knew where he lived...oh looking forward to my hike across the field...not

aldi have some great boots in at the mo....only £18 and waterproof...in fact they have a lot of good outdoor wear at the mo...

i like trainers in the summer but defo boots time now...what a ******** this week as i had to strip to my shorts...in my boots and socks...not even white socks.....i wish the weather would make its mind up....:rolleyes:

I couldn't really say @norm, I've only had them since the start of summer, but shouldn't be too much of an issue in a job like ours where you're moving all the time.

I've paid £100 for boots, and I've paid £15 for trainers and they both have done a good job, and they both have lasted as long. I wear trainers through the summer, boots in the winter. My current boots cost £30 and are based on Doc Martins, as in the thick soft sole, but the side has split.

I couldn't really say @norm, I've only had them since the start of summer, but shouldn't be too much of an issue in a job like ours where you're moving all the time.
yeah good point TolishAPurd

Trainers it is then as this is what most you guys use.....Give em a try Thank's guys for a great response ;-)

These are the same make as tolishApurd they look like converse trainers and there not too expensive

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

bought a pair of northwest liard off amazon for £29.99

feel good for low end trainers and supposed to be waterproof

time will tell :rolleyes:

I was in Matalan and Peacocks yesterday and they both had some lace up leather boots, probably synthetic, light weight with a thick soul for £30. Matalan also had real leather uppers for £36. I thought that was pretty good. I just paid £45 for some trekking trainer-type.
