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Gardiner Brushes- when to replace


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Well-known member
Hi all,

At what point do you choose to replace your brushes? How/When do you decide they are pass their use by date?




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I don't know what u lot do with urs me but mine last 3yrs at a time lol 15 houses a day average. .never looked at one and thought it's nackered just bought a new pole and added a new one then.

I tend to get bored with a brush Way before its done ... dont know If im the only one , but after a Year or so , im just dying to try another brush.. :rolleyes:

Sill brush I've had about a year. It'll be alright for another months I reckon.

Extreme I bought was totally wrecked in about 6 months.

Dear me I must be doing something majorly wrong then we change ours about every 4 to 4 months (Gardiner's supreme ) they are knackered by then !!!!!

I am the same as you , These answers are making me smile my garage is like a graveyard for Gardiners brushes I buy around 4 or more a year , The Xtremes I could knacker in 8 weeks easily

Maybe the bristles are confusing. The short inner bristles are for extra scrubbing power they are not a ware guide to tell you to change the brush when the outer long bristles have worn down to the same length.

Maybe the bristles are confusing. The short inner bristles are for extra scrubbing power they are not a ware guide to tell you to change the brush when the outer long bristles have worn down to the same length.

Maybe the bristles are confusing. The short inner bristles are for extra scrubbing power they are not a ware guide to tell you to change the brush when the outer long bristles have worn down to the same length.
