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Getting angry with the hose snagging


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Anyone wanna just scream when it gets caught in everything!!!

Sometimes I tug it in anger and break things!:mad:

I think it would be a very very long post if we just list all the different and weird things...

with backpack once I get going I dont want to stop til the water runs out and today I caught a stupid rattan table but I won...I just made it ..

its okay the barsteward got me later running out with one little tiny square left....you swine...

yeh and you can get it tangled around your legs too:rolleyes:

It's so frustrating right. I find that stupid ball gardiners put over the hose connector to stop it getting caught on things is the worst thing for catching on things!


thats what we all need some of smurfs meds.

It's just the most annoying thing ever, but then, if that's the worst stress we put up with, then we're laughing really in this job :rofl:

The other annoying one is when it's rained and the hose becomes a magnet and picks up all the dog hair and grit... :mad:

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so far....I hope...I have only freaked out when no one is around.../emoticons/biggrin.png

funny thing is I want to hit something with my fist and its usually a wall..er..I think wall would win..

we do have unusual seventies doors in our house and they all have slight er...damage..

still thats marriage for you..

all right now on smurfys meds../emoticons/biggrin.png

You have to take one step back and laugh at the situation or it will drive you insane. Not to mention a trip to A&E with a broken hand

its alright for those with endless pure but when its shooting out ya brush and ya get stopped in your tracks.....grrrrrrrrrr
Talking of endless pure......guess who flooded the van tonight :rolleyes: I meant to put the timer on for another 20 minutes and the rest is history /emoticons/biggrin.png

Does anyone do a Basil Fawlty on their hose? I have been known to :whistle:

its alright for those with endless pure but when its shooting out ya brush and ya get stopped in your tracks.....grrrrrrrrrr
Yeah that must be a horrible feeling! Like watching gold sink to the bottom of the sea!

the worst is when ur pulling then u suddenly stop then when back at van u realise the reel hasnt stopped lol ie about 10 rings of hose is sitting loose on reel lol

the worst is when ur pulling then u suddenly stop then when back at van u realise the reel hasnt stopped lol ie about 10 rings of hose is sitting loose on reel lol
Always seems to happen this time of year too!

A lot for me!
I hate wasting it...

You not got a tap cheap?

yeh stuck in my glove box..

I have thought about it a lot but....I like to leave alone as it keeps my rushing....

I can do the tuffers pinch in an emergency..

the best suggestion seemed to be put it on the brush head...and I am still thinking about it...

cheapie does a lot of thinking before doing anything../emoticons/biggrin.png

I don't know how you guys do it but I do backs first then fronts, I unravel as much hose as I think I need and 'carry' it to the furthest point dropping it as i go which stops it getting caught on the way out... This doesn't help with it getting stuck on the way back in though which always seems to happen!
