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Help please! WFP pump / Pressure switch.


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Guys, I need some help. I've got a problem with my WFP pump - it's a "Kobol" branded one from a window cleaning warehouse big boy backpack. The other day it just stopped, mid job, so I took it home, took it apart and managed to isolate the problem to something to do with the pressure switch. Upon disassembely, the switch itself works - i.e. the button inside the housing, when pressed, cuts the power to the pump, as it should - however when I put it all back together, it will run for a second and then stop. Sometimes it will 'cycle' i.e. pump for a sec, cut off, pump for a sec, cut off, etc. I've taken the pressure switch assembely apart and it seems to be really simple - can't see what is not working. Unless I dropped a bit - is there supposed to be a spring or something in there to press the bit that moves back away from the pressure switch? Adjusting the adjuster screw does nothing - all the way in, all the way out, no effect.

If I run the pump without the pressure switch, and use my aquadapter to stop the water flow when I want it stopped, will that burn the pump out? i.e., do I even need a pressure switch?

And yes, I know the pumps are junk and I could just buy a new one. But i'm £60 overdrawn at the bank today and I really dont want to spend 30 - 50 quid on a pump when something so infuratingly simple looking is the only thing not working!! Arggh!

The actual button bit is working just fine - it's something to do with the mechanical assembely that moves and activates the switch - driving me nuts, I can't work out how to fix it!

Have you tried phoning window cleaning warehouse to see if they can help you out with a replacement part?
