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High Modulus Carbon Fibre Pole


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Well-known member
After reading the recent post about water fed poles, if a handful of people want a very high quality pole at less than half the price than any other ‘High Modulus Pole’ on the market - email me –

There are a few differences with this type of purchase; the main one is, those that want to order will have to all agree on the same length of pole, once that is agreed you can have what ever length you want up to 75ft, then I can place your order.

This is a genuine opportunity that will be reflected in the actual price you will pay for water fed pole of this quality, I use these poles and any one local to me, who may want one is welcome to see and try it for them selves, (bring along any other pole you may have for a comparison.)

I don’t mean to sound abrupt, but I don’t want to waste time any more time than is necessary on arranging this, for this reason I would prefer to limit the number to 5 people/poles, if it does run smoothly and without hassle I won’t mind increasing that number a little, likewise if it cause me to much hassle I will kill the opportunity, so only people who are decisive and have a sense of adventure should express interest.

You don’t need a lot of money; if you agree to a 25ft pole you’re looking at less than £200 for a High Modulus Pole plus delivery cost etc


After reading the recent post about water fed poles, if a handful of people want a very high quality pole at less than half the price than any other ‘High Modulus Pole’ on the market - email me –

There are a few differences with this type of purchase; the main one is, those that want to order will have to all agree on the same length of pole, once that is agreed you can have what ever length you want up to 75ft, then I can place your order.

This is a genuine opportunity that will be reflected in the actual price you will pay for water fed pole of this quality, I use these poles and any one local to meet who may want one is welcome to see and try it for them selves, (bring along any other pole you may have for a comparison.)

I don’t mean to sound abrupt, but I don’t want to waste time any more time than is necessary on arranging this, for this reason I would prefer to limit the number to 5 people/poles, if it does run smoothly and without hassle I won’t mind increasing that number a little, likewise if it cause me to much hassle I will kill the opportunity, so only people who are decisive and have a sense of adventure should express interest.

You don’t need a lot of money; if you agree to a 25ft pole you’re looking at less than £200 for a High Modulus Pole plus delivery cost etc

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