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Hose pipe bans


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SWW are considering a hose pipe ban down hear in August due to low reservoir levels and high volume of tourists usually this doesn’t affect us as we are classed as business users but they may alter the restrictions, anyone else Hurd anything similar ?
SWW are considering a hose pipe ban down hear in August due to low reservoir levels and high volume of tourists usually this doesn’t affect us as we are classed as business users but they may alter the restrictions, anyone else Hurd anything similar ?
I'm in Devon know someone who works sww no plan to stop buissness use as of yet I'd suggest trying not to look wastefull in front of customers could get bit funny if they can't fill hot tub
I'm in devon and havnt heard anything in the pipeline. I don't see how they could stop us using water to fill our vans thought
It gets very complex. The only time we need to start taking notice is when drought orders are declared, that is quite a complex process, as each region has it's own detailed restrictions depending on supply and local needs. And even then each local authority has to re-apply for the order eventually as they are fixed periods of time.

So in theory you could have one customer in full drought order restrictions in one county and then the next job you do might have no restriction. The point to remember it makes no difference to where the water comes from with regards to enforcement, you could be getting your water from the magic bottomless well of hydration with no restrictions, if you transport that water for use other than detailed under the drought order where your working, then you will be in trouble.

Hosepipe bans are nothing to be concerned about for us at this stage, and if you do get some do gooder snowflake try to pull you to task on using your hosepipe, tell them to get lost and do some research before making themselves look like a prat.
It gets very complex. The only time we need to start taking notice is when drought orders are declared, that is quite a complex process, as each region has it's own detailed restrictions depending on supply and local needs. And even then each local authority has to re-apply for the order eventually as they are fixed periods of time.

So in theory you could have one customer in full drought order restrictions in one county and then the next job you do might have no restriction. The point to remember it makes no difference to where the water comes from with regards to enforcement, you could be getting your water from the magic bottomless well of hydration with no restrictions, if you transport that water for use other than detailed under the drought order where your working, then you will be in trouble.

Hosepipe bans are nothing to be concerned about for us at this stage, and if you do get some do gooder snowflake try to pull you to task on using your hosepipe, tell them to get lost and do some research before making themselves look like a prat.
You could always come up here, watching a downpour at the moment.
It doesn usually affect us but it depends what type of ban they bring in , it was on the local tv news last night , will have to Waite and see what happens .
I didn't realise the rainfall had been so low in your neck of the woods, it will most likely be the London area first you'd have thought they've had 1% rainfall this summer in my region I think it's 14% rainfall instead of 50% which I believe is the average across the UK apart from Wales and maybe Scotland which gets a lot of rainfall
I Hurd it could be a drought situation if we don’t get rain soon now I’m not 100 percent but that could effect us ! Back to trad and ladders ?
I will be offering downstairs only, trad, if we get banned.
I only use a ladder for flat roofs now
my old legs would not be happy climbing ladders all day anymore!
In line with potential hosepipe ban I would like to announce my new business:

Master Jedi’s Scottish Water

For only £1ex vat per litre we will transport purified water straight from bonny Scotland to your door, allowing you to keep working while your competition stands around perplexed! Can’t be bothered to purify it yourself?! Then you’ll love our ‘ready to go’ upgrade. At only a additional £0.50ex vat per litre, we’ll purify the water. So you can spend less time waiting, and more time washing! ?
It's absolutely bouncing down here in Manchester and forecast all night!so happy to see the rain again!??
Yeah, I was only thinking earlier today that I've not got wet for months, only the slightest bit of drizzle every now and again, I've not put my coat on since about March. Hopefully rain all night and then back to sun in the morning, going to miss all this in a few months when it's all dark and dreary, freezing yer nuts off.