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I’m too lazy to look for myself to be honest. 😂


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I’m sure the answer is on Google somewhere but the big quick-connect on my Jetmac machine has played up the last couple of uses. It goes on eventually but for some reason doesn’t always want to snap on. Oring looks fine. All clean and ‘springy’ but seems like I have to force it on. Worried that bext time it won’t go and I’ll be stuck.

Anyhow it highlights another item where I’m not carrying a spare.

It’s the inlet connector that joins the hose from the buffer tank to the inlet of the pump (via the Y filter.). It measures 18mm bore on the male part.

Is this a ‘midi’ fitting? Pretty sure M22 is smaller than I need.

Many thanks.
Spray a bit of WD 40 in it that should help
Done all that. In fact I clean them and spay them after every single job. O ring looks perfect. No nicks on anything. Little bit of silicone grease tried on Orings. All looks perfect and moves easily but it just doesn’t want to go on. I’ll happily take it apart once I have a spare to swap it for. It’ll be something simple but I hate not having spares for everything.
well done for lubricating every time so many people don't.
its a long shot but worth doing the male connector may have got knocked you may have a small "bruise" which interferes with connection - take some sand paper and rub round the diameter for a minute this will take a few microns off the diameter but more importantly highlight any high spots this should then allow easier connection
its very minor interference if you are getting to finally connect and more so if you need to wobble it side to side of up and down
well done for lubricating every time so many people don't.
its a long shot but worth doing the male connector may have got knocked you may have a small "bruise" which interferes with connection - take some sand paper and rub round the diameter for a minute this will take a few microns off the diameter but more importantly highlight any high spots this should then allow easier connection
its very minor interference if you are getting to finally connect and more so if you need to wobble it side to side of up and down

Cheers. I’ll give that a try once I have it swapped out for a new one. I should carry the spares anyway. Short term I just need confirmation of what I need to buy.