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If its so good ..........


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its already £16 not far off a new price me thinks.../emoticons/biggrin.png

a good question spruce...I like the pressure myself all that running about keeps me fit....

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I worked over 8 hours today and used only 120L doing upstairs only, tradding bottoms. But i do have an aqua dapter

Not tried the remote controls. I have an aquatap and think its good, simple twist with both hands on pole on/off. After my hose kinking like crazy, im thinking that part of the issue is pressure still being in the hose and winding it in, plays havoc on the pole hose causing it to kink, Alex gardener suggested to me to disconnect hose each time to allow kinks out.

My thinking with the remote control is you are switching the pump of so any water in the hose is not under pressure, so may not get as much kinking issues?

Yeh, I use a remote all the time now. I had a tap fitted from gardiners but never use it. I much prefer the remote. It's in my pocket and works a treat. Works through buildings about 40 - 50 meters. I can go round back and leave trolley at front with no problems.

I havn't tested it above those distances, but by its specs it should go further (100 m), but if van mounted near metal might reduce distance.

I bought this from a member on here for about £10, but can be bought off ebay for £5 direct from china.

To be honest I,m thniking of removing my tap because it gets snaged and it's scuffed.
