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Interview with a window cleaner


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Meh, it is what it is. Seemed a nice guy. I thought he gave quite a good account of it. Not sure I agreed with his take on the chamois being better then the squeegee but each to his own. At least he put across a good safety message.

liked the bit about the employee with anger management issues

id think by now that same employee has devastated the business and poached the cream of the round for himself

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Are you talking from experience @boarcity as I know you employed an x con with anger management issues yourself?

Are you talking from experience @boarcity as I know you employed an x con with anger management issues yourself?
ex con went early,within the 3 month trial period - but i know if hed stayed a couple of yrs at some point hed have "made his move"

i was kinda joking about the video ,tho nothin would have surprised me with the employee he had

I think that is one of the risks with employing others as there is nothing stopping them starting up on their own and taking customers with them. You have probably experienced that already yourself.

I think that is one of the risks with employing others as there is nothing stopping them starting up on their own and taking customers with them. You have probably experienced that already yourself.
few yrs ago i had exactly that happen. employee left under a cloud and started up right away,similar trading name as mine ,similar website, same van colour -went round my customers saying hes my brother in law and id let him have the round ! plus giving them a quid discount to sweeten things along

LUCKILY for me he didnt have the round main list or any work sheets.his memory of the round was limited to just the week or so before dismissal

He lasted only a year and i got all the customers back.

You where very lucky he did not have your full list of customers then or you would have been stuffed.

You where very lucky he did not have your full list of customers then or you would have been stuffed.
youre right! these days the main job list never goes in the van and all worksheets come in my home at days end.

the guy also tried to con a canvasser too. canvasser spent several days drumming up a decent round for him but then come the handover he flunked paying . the canvasser wasnt falling for excuses and started ringing round all local windies desperately trying to sell this round,to recoup at least something. he rang me as one who was in the phonebook, i really felt sorry for the canvasser who had driven up from a couple of counties distance and no doubt had done the work

however i already had plenty of work and couldnt take on a big extra chunk ,at any price

I know of many that have been stitched up by employees that have left and started up on their own. Some employees will also moonlight too if you don't keep a close eye on them as @shazzy692002 found out to her cost.

Unfortunately when it comes to business I don't trust anyone as you give them an inch then they will take a mile so to speak. Everyone is out to rip you off one way or another even the most likeable and trustworthy sort.


AS you know just dismissed all crew. Doubt very much I will be going down that route again.

Would rather be that window cleaner that is so busy your name goes on the waiting list than that window cleaner that takes all jobs as I have the staff to do so and then get a reputation for doing a half ar$ed job.

I clean windows for the love of the game, till recently I had plans to build a huge monster round ready for retirement in a few years but to be honest i am not the retiring type (would have to stay in and listen to her in doors :love: )

I pick up 5 - 6 leads daily from website and referrals so replacing dead weight custies is no problem now so think I am going to be much better off focusing on building a round of top quality custies as opposed to a round of top quantity custies.

Video man had some good points but I don't think i'd buy a ticket to the live stand up show!

Quality not quantity Darren

Best to have 200 25 quid jobs than 400 £12.50 jobs

Yeah, but £25 per job doesn't make it quality, just better paid, I think what I meant to say was I want the 'hassle free' customers the ones where you do a good job and cash is there on the nose or by paypal or BACS.

My highest residential priced custie was such a pain in the arse on collections I finally gave her the ultimatum, go on Direct debit (GoCardless) or find another window cleaner - She signed up for DD - last week GoCardless email me to advise me they have been informed by the customers bank that they have insufficient funds to pay me! Go Figure.

I will see her a week Wednesday, she will be told 'Cash in an envelope on the back door or go elsewhere' I don't mind doing the job, I just expect to be paid in a timely fashion for it.

Sorry for going off topic popa Smurfy!
