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Just tested our water with a new TDS and have some questions please...


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Neil nowdownunder

Well-known member
Hi all,

At the moment I've been cleaning traditional for just a few months. I ordered a TDS which has just arrived and tested out water from the tap. It came out at 069 PPM. To my uneducated eye, this seems quite a low count. Is that right?

Q1. Would this quality be good enough to use on a WFP without using Di and filtration systems?

Q2. Is the reading from our tap water likely to stay consistent or can it vary enormously?

Many thanks,


u can get away with just di, u still need it filtered tho 000 is the best option an will give u the best chance of spot free glass, i let my tds go to 005 at the abslout most now, dont cut corners with water qualty it will lead u to a slap dash finish not wrth it in my book risking it /emoticons/smile.png

Agree with tench .......and although most ppm's stay at roughly the same level theoughout the year there are some cases where they can shoot up and down. Maybe monitor it for a bit before going all out?

This is the same as my reading. It does go up and down. Mine has been as low as 50 and as high as 98.

I use DI only and always have done without any issues. I change resin every six weeks.

ya jammy buggers...what do you say to that lot daveyboy..was it you with 500:eek:?

mine around 170 ish yep it can vary about a bit..

usually quoted on here as under a 100 okay for di only

Hi all,
At the moment I've been cleaning traditional for just a few months. I ordered a TDS which has just arrived and tested out water from the tap. It came out at 069 PPM. To my uneducated eye, this seems quite a low count. Is that right?

Q1. Would this quality be good enough to use on a WFP without using Di and filtration systems?

Q2. Is the reading from our tap water likely to stay consistent or can it vary enormously?

Many thanks,

Neil is in Australia.

The weather patterns are total different in Australia when compared to the UK. In most places on that continent they have a 'wet' season and a dry season.

As most of us have no idea about water quality fluctuations, most of us won't be able to provide you with any expert advice.

A doubt very much that with a ppm of 69 you could clean windows with a spot free result. But it would always be worth a try to use your hose pipe and a brush and try one of your windows at home.

I expect you will have to di it to get it pure as per @tench0771 's post.

Thanks Guys, really appreciate your feedback and advice. Looks like I will have to get a Di tank then. Can someone please explain what the Di tank does, and how the di resin is consumed by the process please. I take it a Di tank lasting only 6 months is with very frequent use, or does it degrade or go without use and just time? Apologies if I sound like a muppet, but big learning curve for me. Thanks everyone!!!

get ur self 2 di's u will then save a lot of money a twin di set up is the best way to go how it wrks is u plug ur di in keep filling ur tank every day then when ur resin needs changing plug ur second di in so the water goes throu ur old resin 1st that will save u lots then when ur water gets 005 swich ur di's round and change the resin in the second di if u no wat i mean so ur water allways goes throu ur old resin b 4 it goes throu ur new fresh resin
