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Ladder on glass


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anybody on here put their ladders against window pane when cleaning trad

seen a dude doing this not on frame but middle of window

a Daftie ex employee of mine did this several times / also used his ladder upside down too .

I have a few houses where the window frame is the best place to put the ladder, but this is with an a frame that has a nice big rubber pad on the end of it. I wouldn't dream of putting the ladder on the glass though.

i have seen not long ago ladder scratch damage on a window and i was panicking it was me but i knew i just did not extend the ladder as it fits under the sill and i figured it was a decorator....what a mess...:rolleyes:

What sort of cock puts his ladder on the glass

If the window gives and you end up in someone's bedroom..nutter

i cant understand it but....it was a house where the window goes right upto the roof and he was painting under the eaves...i only figured it was a ladder by measuring the distance between the marks....maybe he only put it on for a second but...that was enough she hasnt tried to blame me yet but i am ready is she does....

Leaning on the glass with a ladder and adding your body weight is asking for trouble.

If you haven't got wfp and find it difficult to clean certain windows then don't clean it.

I am a 100% sure no customers want to have a bloody broken windows with a window cleaner hanging off inside their properties...

Common sense needed man.

I am trad and not much i can't clean with pole ladder etc

Just have to be inventive

No reason to ever put ladder on glass

I reckon i can do 99.9% of any windows on my round and not ever turned down a job cos of awkward windows
