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Leaflet For Raining


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Well-known member
Am thinking off getting leaflets done for when its raining... The leaflet would explain that working in rain doesnt make a difference etc

When its raining before i start work i will post a leaflet thru the letterbox and start work /emoticons/smile.png

Cos customers hu dont like me working in the rain automatically go of my round /emoticons/smile.png i want to build up a good round /emoticons/tongue.png no moaners lol

Not another leaflet H lol, just get on with it H if they come out explain it to em.
I agree!! Soon he'll need a leaflet explaining why all the leaflets! lol

Just carry on, if they ask- explain. If not, just crack on mate.

Well, I'll say this for you h, there's nobody else quite like you, do you set yourself a challenge that you've got to have a different idea a day /emoticons/smile.png

kk yeah your right its a stupid idea /emoticons/tongue.png

if customers come out i tell them straight

no need with the hassle of leaflets /emoticons/tongue.png




Anybody notice when H made his first post on this topic? 6:45am!!

Listen Harunh. There is more to life than window cleaning and computers. Get out there and live it.

ps How do you rate Citizen Khan? (on at the moment)

kk yeah your right its a stupid idea /emoticons/tongue.png

if customers come out i tell them straight

no need with the hassle of leaflets /emoticons/tongue.png



Can you send me a leaflet telling me this lol. You are a legend H.

Anybody notice when H made his first post on this topic? 6:45am!!

Listen Harunh. There is more to life than window cleaning and computers. Get out there and live it.

ps How do you rate Citizen Khan? (on at the moment)

mate i go to sleep very late /emoticons/tongue.png and wake up about 2pm even when i work..... ill go to sleep about 5am and wake up at 8am /emoticons/mellow.png

then ill go sleep at 2am /emoticons/mellow.png lol

bad habit mate swear down ! lol

i dont know much about computers /emoticons/tongue.png i just talk 2 a few people on facebook and check these forums out /emoticons/biggrin.png


and citizen khan lol a lot of people like that and its okay its like east is east lol /emoticons/tongue.png

Anybody notice when H made his first post on this topic? 6:45am!!

Listen Harunh. There is more to life than window cleaning and computers. Get out there and live it.

ps How do you rate Citizen Khan? (on at the moment)
Im the same lol. Im up at 6:00 most days. After my tea I check E-mails, Facebook, Linkedin etc. The Ill go over some paperwork.

when ever im free ill come on here... and im always on here mainly at night time when im home /emoticons/smile.png in my free time i jsut come on here or play fifa /emoticons/tongue.png or watch football or play footbaall loll or go gym
