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Nightmare scrims


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Yeah need to be washed first, 90 degree boil wash. I haven't used scrim in years. I use Microfiber for general cleaning but I love the Vikan Lustre and Vermop Textronic cloths but they seem to be hard to come by these days. Lucky I stocked up on them, lifesavers.

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Big pan of water, boil for 30 mins - hour, 90 degree wash air dry. Every 2-3 weeks chuck them in a boil wash instead of the usual, just to make sure.

Thanks guys this is why I stopped using them. Even tho I used to boil my old ones they still left lint on the windows. I've got about 15 glass cloths I use but they tend to only last 2 houses max

i got some unger pre washed, useless, toooo soft. cant dry , buff glass with them, they just slide on glass, not much impact. i ll try to see if boiling them may have any difference
