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filled me tank an thault o i beta check me tds an it was 056:oops: :eek: so i drained it in to 25l drums an refilled with 000 i had problims on a house with bad rubbers wich usly comes rite after a good rinse but not this time had to triple rinse most of the windows nte mare ill never let it go that high again never lucky ive had no complants:cool: but it just goes to show that 000 is best :thumbsup:

Yes tench. I really need to drain it though as there is loads of stuff floating about on the bottom. How did you let it get so high?

EDIT: Floating on the bottom? /emoticons/biggrin.png

i just dident check it m8 im usly on top of it but its bin a bin heatic these last few months bin so bizzy an had lots going on ,i think this unger resin is not as long lasting as the indion resin ill try tulsion next time again ,lol( floting on the bottom ) /emoticons/biggrin.png:D,i cleaned my tank a wile bk as i sucked resin in the pump:eek: had to take it apart an clean the rubber diraphram i did buy a new one but it wrked after a good clean i also go a staner wile i was there;)/emoticons/biggrin.png


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