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One Pass Wagtail (Swoop)


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They are getting quite well known now. I bought one last year - £32.00!!, and although I can use it, I can't get a good enough edge with it, even though I have dog-eared the channel. I found that it was too light, and quite inferior in quality considering it is for commercial use. I have made my own similar tool using a standard brass sqeegee, and it works much better.

I thought of making one but don't know where to start lol
I've just realised, watching the video, that mine is not the 'swoop', it is the 'whirlwind'. The system the swoop uses is not a very satisfactory way of doing things. Have you seen window cleaners washing windows by holding the applicator just in front of the squeegee, and then moving along the glass to get a wash'n'wipe in one go? well that's what the swoop is doing, it's not very good on dirty windows, if you have to scrub them, more for shops etc.
I've just attched a wash pad to the channel (there are easy ways to do it, but they don't last long, mine is 'tough'). I keep saying that I'm going to make a video about this, but have had some problems with that. Maybe when this cold snap has gone, I might do something about it.

Yeah I've read some reviews & there not that good. Would love to see a video. Have tried that applicator in front of the squeegee but get in a bit of a muddle lol

ive got a whirl wind couldn't get on with it cheaply made the ettore backflip is good thow its not done in one action but it saves swapping from applicator to blade each time

Applicator in one hand,scrub ,squeegee of with nice size good old Unger.Done in seconds no scrim on window,all clear no smear.

Been doing this since 14 now 34 so think I've cracked.

I wouldn't recommend mucking about with all in one tool.RUBBISH.!

Applicator in one hand,scrub ,squeegee of with nice size good old Unger.Done in seconds no scrim on window,all clear no smear.Been doing this since 14 now 34 so think I've cracked.

I wouldn't recommend mucking about with all in one tool.RUBBISH.!
That's probably because you haven't tried it.
I meant cracked it,new to this forum stuff,there are some people on here who know what there on about and unfortunately there are bob a job window cleaners who have just started up and think they know it all,probably strip and rag windows ha!

Can't wait to see that video rugbywolf.

For crying out loud wolf you haven't a clue what your talking about.

You probably been cleaning windows for 3 months and think you know it all.got to see this bid!!

I meant cracked it,new to this forum stuff,there are some people on here who know what there on about and unfortunately there are bob a job window cleaners who have just started up and think they know it all,probably strip and rag windows ha!
It was a FUN comment about you not being too sure (14 or 16) when you started window cleaning /emoticons/tongue.png .

For crying out loud wolf you haven't a clue what your talking about.You probably been cleaning windows for 3 months and think you know it all.
Don't think your going to win many friends with comments like that :huh: .

Maybe he's only been a member on here for a few months, but that doesn't mean he hasn't been window cleaning for many years.......much like yourself /emoticons/wink.png .

Don't think your going to win many friends with comments like that :huh: .Maybe he's only been a member on here for a few months, but that doesn't mean he hasn't been window cleaning for many years.......much like yourself /emoticons/wink.png .
+1 mate

Don't think your going to win many friends with comments like that :huh: .Maybe he's only been a member on here for a few months, but that doesn't mean he hasn't been window cleaning for many years.......much like yourself /emoticons/wink.png .
I do apologize if offended.

I've only been member on here for 1 day.I've worked with 100's of window cleaners over the years and ones who had one handed tools weren't as effective as two tools.This includes speed and quality.

All decent window cleaners I know agree.Not trying to offend any1 just my views.

I do apologize if offended.I've only been member on here for 1 day.
Not me who's been offended /emoticons/wink.png .

And.......you've been a member for 4 days...not 1 /emoticons/tongue.png .......I did mention your memory seems a bit hazy :lol: :lol: :lol: .

You'll get used to my sense of humour soon /emoticons/biggrin.png .
