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Hi ,i'm having a nightmare at the moment I put a new spectrum 4040 ro in on Friday I changed the sediment and carbon filters and filled the di vessel with new resin.

Out of the tap the water is about 470 where I am anyway when I put the new ro in on Friday I checked the water before in went through the resin and gradually it came down to 040.

Anyway ive just checked it tonight and after going through the resin the water is 020 ?? and it was 000 and I've checked the water before its gone though the resin and it's jumped up to 060? I've checked over everything but can't seem to find the problem im baffled I haven't got a clue what it is and im gutted as ive spent 300 plus on a ro and resin.

If anyone has any idea id really appreciate any advice i'm stacked out with work this week and im behind too so I need to get to the bottom of this.

thanks in advance

joe did you flush system first

when tested water let it run in your cap few mins

test few times

take cap off your ressin give it really gd stir then flush 15 mins then test

Give di a good shake about, incase water has made a channel through without getting filtered? DI should be ok up to about 100ppm I think, as long as water is not going through to quick?

If possible check the ppm after each stage. After the carbon block , the 5 micron and then after the RO.

If it's high after the RO maybe you haven't fitted it properly (i e the O rings or seals aren't fitted properly)

Or very low possibility - the r.o membrane is faulty.

When I bought the system of k systems I asked about flushing it but he said that it didn't do anything to it so I've never bothered with it ? how do you back flush them? also just had a look inside the di vessel and the seal has broken on the inside of the cap would that effect it?

Also I think I need a ultra low ro as this one is low pressure as it's just trickling out would that effect the reading too?

hi joe mine is from purefreedom

tap at bottom off big membrane open tap turn water on full

all the water comes out your waste pipe do this for twenty mins

close valve and off you go

always i have flushed my RO

What doesn't make sense either is that even if the reading was 060 the new resin should easily get that down to 000 my old ro before I replaced it was 090 and the resin would keep it to 000 for at least a week?

Cheers Duncs i haven't got a tap on mine would it work if I opened up the waste to full and let it all flo out like that?

yeh thats the same joe

also before you produce your pure take the hose of your di vessel let your first couple of gd cups off water be waste then clip it back on DI vessel this stops crap going in your DI vessel
