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Pole scraper


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Has anyone used any form of Scraper attachment for their wfp ? If so which one and would you recommend having one.
I’m thinking mainly for stubborn bird crap and the likes.
I know if you let it soak for a while it usually comes off without any trouble but I like to always be moving forward without having to come back to windows.
I think a scraper may give you peace of mind that there’s no residue left on a window.
Has anyone used any form of Scraper attachment for their wfp ? If so which one and would you recommend having one.
I’m thinking mainly for stubborn bird **** and the likes.
I know if you let it soak for a while it usually comes off without any trouble but I like to always be moving forward without having to come back to windows.
I think a scraper may give you peace of mind that there’s no residue left on a window.
@Ocahan01 yes I use one. The smaller one. I put a little white pad and hold it secure with an elastic band. It's very lightweight so makes no difference with the pole. Exactly as you say mate I give it a spray and then come back to it if it's stubborn.
Has anyone used any form of Scraper attachment for their wfp ? If so which one and would you recommend having one.
I’m thinking mainly for stubborn bird **** and the likes.
I know if you let it soak for a while it usually comes off without any trouble but I like to always be moving forward without having to come back to windows.
I think a scraper may give you peace of mind that there’s no residue left on a window.
I would never use a scraper on a pole or one at all on birds mess

Get yourself a spray bottle of commercial strength white vinegar and a worn soft green scouring pad or bronze wool pad
How do you apply it though? I assume you aren't climbing up on a ladder to spray or scrub, but maybe I'm wrong?
@Stuart S you can get a pad holder that fits around the other side of your gooseneck in a similar manner to the gardiner scraper. I think it locks onto the clamp part so you can adjust the angle like you can your brush. Haven't tried one myself but DA Components stuff is very well thought out. Have a look at their YouTube channel, it will be on there and their videos are very good.
How do you apply it though? I assume you aren't climbing up on a ladder to spray or scrub, but maybe I'm wrong?
You can get a pad that replaces your brush from Gardiners: https://gardinerpolesystems.co.uk/quick-loq-water-through-pad-holder-1-pad.html - I find it great for green upstairs sills or conny roofs. They also do a similar swivel version without any jets https://gardinerpolesystems.co.uk/quick-loqr-doodlebug-swivel-pad-holder.html
The water through pad is great for first cleans when the sills are green or conny roofs that are green with algae. I have a https://gardinerpolesystems.co.uk/super-scraper-1-pad.html with the pad on all my poles which I find handy for stubborn marks and bird mess.
Just keep your eyes open when you turn up at a house. If you see a window covered just give it a quick spray, little agitation and then clean a top floor window thats ok. Just keep giving it a spray and quick agitation and by the time you get to the worst window it will come off easy. I have the scraper fitted to all poles and the gardener white scrubbers which I put a bit of electrical tape to keep it firmly on for the worst months for bird 5hit...
I’ve used the gardener scraper for about 5 plus years. I tried the pad but it doesn’t get the yellowish solid lumps off very well. So we dispensed with the pad. If there is a window with bird muck on I scrub that quickly and then go and do the other upstairs window and then come back to the bird muck. It soften really quickly and finish it off with the gardeners scraper. Make sure you keep the scraper clean after that by giving it a wipe with a microfibre cloth after. Works great. I adapted the Gardeners scraper to go on my phantom poles too. Great little device from gardeners.