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Unger angle and cone


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Well-known member
Just received a delivery from wcw and having trouble with the cone staying on the Unger angle please see photo as far as I'm aware you just push on and twist but it doesn't seem to stay on? Doesn't lock into position so to speak, the cone just keeps falling off no resistance what's so ever any advice would be welcomed.


View attachment 7396

The end showing in the pic clips into the pole

The end that isn't on show is where the cone goes

The black ring on the cone has 2 bumps in it that slot into holes on the angle

Push the 2 round bits on the outside of the ring inwards which then opens the bumps up a bit inside allowing you to slide it on and locate them

The same to release it to take it off

Daveyboy, done exactly what you have said it seems the the back plastic bit that you press inwards in so stiff that it pushes the metal connecting lugs on the angle adopter back out so the angle connector won't connect to the cone.



There should be no connecting lugs on the other end..just 2 holes for the black bunps to click into

The end with the metal bumps is to go into the pole you are putting the angle on

Have you got a pic of the other end of the angle?

Lol, was trying it on wrong end haha makes perfect sense the way you explained it, cheers Daveyboy nice one.

