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I know I'll prolly get hatemail for posting this on >another< forum, but stuffit, I want as much help as I can.

A window cleaner friend of mine had a fall recently and broke his neck, he's now paralysed from the neck down..

Could anyone point me in the right direction of a way to set up a charitable fund for him and his family, something that is recognizable, legal, legit, so it's clear it's not my 'new car/camera' fund.

Have any of you set anything up like this before or had any experience of this kind?

And any ideas for fundraising?

all feedback gratefully accepted....sadly anouther one whos fond ladders arnt safe .

This is a really nice idea. Why would someone send you hate mail for this? Accidents happen all the time and I'm sure your friend didn't plan to fall from the ladder!

You could set up a charitable trust but these are similar to companies and the set up costs are around £1,000 to do it properly. You'll need an accountant as well in order to verify how much money you've taken. There's another £1,000 a year gone!

Take a look at shareagift.com this may be more appropriate for what you're looking for.
