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Render on lead windows


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This is my first post on the forms so hi, I would just like some advice on how best to remove specks of render from new lead windows without damaging the lead or scratching the glass.

Advice much appreciated. Thanks

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hi and welcome to the forum matt18...just done one today covered in specs of render...er...I .ER ...DIDNT SEE THEM..

its plenty of fairy and gentle as she goes with a blade but....you really want a scratch waiver form signed...downloadable off the bottom of the site home page...

its very easy to scratch glass getting render off...

if its on the lead...er...I aint got a clue..

its a specialist job as far as I am concerned..sorry i cant be of more help but I am famous on here for...

doing a runner..

hi and welcome to the forum matt18...just done one today covered in specs of render...er...I .ER ...DIDNT SEE THEM..
its plenty of fairy and gentle as she goes with a blade but....you really want a scratch waiver form signed...downloadable off the bottom of the site home page...

its very easy to scratch glass getting render off...

if its on the lead...er...I aint got a clue..

its a specialist job as far as I am concerned..sorry i cant be of more help but I am famous on here for...

doing a runner..
Thanks for reply ceapncheerful, I think I get what you mean, I did want to completely avoid the scraper,

the render looks fairly new, so touch wood a bit of elbow grease should take it off.

Hi Matt welcome to the party :thumbsup:. One of my pet hates are in your post ... Why do owners of nicely built houses , spending thousands on nice clean scratch free glass let crapy builders come along and splatter them with render ,........ cover the window with cheap plywood to protect the glass. It's not rocket science ffs...... :ninja::ninja:

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Hi Matt welcome to the party :thumbsup:. One of pet hates are in your post ... Why do owners of nicely built houses , spending thousands on nice clean scratch free glass let crapy builders come along and splatter them with render ,........ cover the window with cheap plywood to protect the glass. It's not rocket science ffs...... :ninja::ninja:
Cheers Natty1972, it would have made sense to have covered it with something, it looks real expensive this glass, I was hoping to get it clean and have it as a good monthly customer.

The only thing I would say is take your time , plenty of water . Use your finger to see if will come off. Saves scrapping .... Shame they wasn't a spray you could just squirt and dissolve the render .... My mate has a cement plant , he dose this fancy cement pattern thing in people's gardens / drives He uses this acid stuff to clean the finished product ... It's bloody good stuff , it gets rid of the sh@ t.

Even worse when it's unibond I've never find anything that shifts it.

Customer had new windows few month back 2 week later builder came to render and unibond all over them still there now right mess

Had one today silicone all over new glass that had been put into wooden frames

Knocked on door said gunna be double,she moaned whys that???

I'm here to clean weathering off the windows not clean up after the builders

5lb club hammer would take it off

Seriously why do these knobs not even tape a sheet over the window or something

The only way i know to do it is carefully with a blade but is it worth the time it will take you as i doubt they would want to pay that much

This is my first post on the forms so hi, I would just like some advice on how best to remove specks of render from new lead windows without damaging the lead or scratching the glass.Advice much appreciated. Thanks
As long as it is not too bad, in which case I wouldn't touch it, I find plenty of soapy water then, if you slide your hand flat on the glass, you will feel it, and it should come of with gentle rubbing.

The only problem is sometimes as it comes off it leaves little craters as it pulls the glass off if there happens to be a bad finish on the glass like when you find some glass with little bumps on it

I got a house to do for the council Thursday inside

Old boy who smokes and never leaves the house

Top dollar job as all inside pvc too

Don't know what to use

Flash in a spray bottle works but is still a minging job

Sounds a real nasty job to me...Good luck with that one :rolleyes:

I got a house to do for the council Thursday insideOld boy who smokes and never leaves the house

Top dollar job as all inside pvc too

Don't know what to use

Flash in a spray bottle works but is still a minging job
I will use my bin bag of old towels not my decent cloths

Rubber gloves

Magic sponge and cif or flash

Maybe a nose peg too as that stuff stinks...I betting the old boy will be :specs and smoking too. Bless him /emoticons/biggrin.png

The only problem is sometimes as it comes off it leaves little craters as it pulls the glass off if there happens to be a bad finish on the glass like when you find some glass with little bumps on it
ok thanks, ill look out for that, if it starts causing damage ill stop. :oops:

any tips for cleaning annoying lead windows picked first house up today and the lead pattern is on interior ?? used trad kit but left a lot behind wats best way to go bout it or do I just go round every piece of lead with a scrim

any tips for cleaning annoying lead windows picked first house up today and the lead pattern is on interior ?? used trad kit but left a lot behind wats best way to go bout it or do I just go round every piece of lead with a scrim
I've been using 2 cloths, one clean sill cloth to get most of the water off, and then I use a clean scrim to polish / finish.

I've been using 2 cloths, one clean sill cloth to get most of the water off, and then I use a clean scrim to polish / finish.
Same here. No easy way to do it.I used to do 2 days on a massive estate of leaded. I was knackered for the rest of the week.don't take on any leaded work now unless it's on just a door or two.
