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Ro system filter costs


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So I have a to system just a cheap.one. it is 50gdp a day. It is very slow. Just found out the replacement filters are £15 and I have to change them every 2000 litres. Seems quite expensive. If I buy a 150gdp or higher do I still need to replace filters so often? Or are they as costly?

A fiberdyne 10" carbon block filter lasts for 38000 liters according to the manufacturers recommendations. It costs £12.00 + VAT and delivery. A sediment filter costs £2.40 + VAT. Prices from Gardiners.

Not sure where you got that figure of 2000 litres from, but I'm guessing its from a CAG filter that has a service life of 10000 liters of water processed. At £5.40 + VAT for a 10" one, the Fiberdyne is a much better option IMPO.

A 150GPD membrane will just produce water faster but will also produce more waste. It's all governed by a restrictor in the waste outlet.

Usually those r/o's work on a 3 to 1 ratio, 3 liters of waste to 1 liter of pure. So a Fiberdyne prefilter will get you around 9500 liters of pure.

We upgraded our 3 x 75GPD membrane r/o to a 3 x 150 GPD and processed water into a second hand IBC tank. Only when we did this did our business increase - we were being 'throttled' by not having sufficient water to do a day's work with.
