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Running behind!


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Hi there, took the plunge and signed up after reading the forum for a while and finding it very helpful.

I have just started my own round this month and have been enjoying it so far. However due to weather and other circumstances i now find myself behind on my round :thumbsdown: by the time i get around to some customers it will be 6 weeks since their last clean when they are meant to be done on a monthly basis. I am finding myself getting a little stressed out about this and am just hoping customers will be understanding as it is my first month doing the new round!

Real question i suppose is do people really notice if you are doing their windows after 6 weeks rather than the 4 since the last clean? I dont want them thinking that im not going to be regular, as I said this should be a one off running this far behind!!

Welcome to the forum @Luda :thumbsup:

Don't worry about things you can't control as at the end of the day you can only do what you can. Most you will find are fine and probably will not notice anyway. The odd one or two that may make a comment you just have to explain why you are a little behind in getting to them that's all.

Stressing is no good for your health bud so just let it all go over your head. /emoticons/wink.png

Yep, don't worry about it fella. Most couldnt care less, and I find many are happier when they see you because they can actually see the difference when you've been. Its a good thing that you're busy.

if ya come to clean a bit early they notice more

/emoticons/biggrin.png do a good job and 99% will be happy

other 1% they are special customers:rolleyes:

:rofl: nuff said

Welcome to the Forum... This Forum is the first place to come to deal with the stresses of Window Cleaning and one thing is for sure. You are not alone. Throughout the year on the odd occasion most windows cleaners will catch up with the round sheet and have a day or two spare to themselves. But. you will notice that as your round gets bigger, you will always find yourself playing cat and mouse with the situation. This is something we all have to get used to. I am now in my 4th year and I still have my moments. Just keep plugging away at your round. Work on a Saturday if you have to. When I first started I worked monthly and once I built the round up I told customers that I will be with them every 6 weeks. They do not notice if it's 7 or even 8 weeks this way because every time you go to them your not going on a set week (i.e the 3rd week of every month). Most if not all customers are great if you keep them in the loop as to what your up too... Just keep positive and keep doing what your doing!... A good job by the sounds of it....

Thanks for the replys guys. You have really put my mind at ease :thumbsup: Looking forward to getting out again and cracking on with my round. All my new customers I have met so far have been great bar 1...must have been a member of the 1% Norm mentioned!! Concentrating on doing a good job and due to this im probably not the quickest which i suppose is also leading to me being a bit behind. Taking the advice on board and not letting the stress get to me. Thanks again.

Don't worry about it. As smurf said you cannot control weather. I'm always behind & as soon as I get caught up in the summer the winter hits & your behind again. It's a vicious circle.

hi and welcome Luda me always behind too...i still have storm muck to shift on my windows from whenever it was .....:eek: i always give priority to anyone who can be bothered to phone/email/text me and especially the ones who leave the money out...my record last year was five different area jobs done who phoned and left the money out...didnt really make a lot on that day due to the running about but i dont like to leave money waiting for me to pick it up...:rofl:

As people have said dont worry about it, most people wont notice and if they do they always understand the situation with the weather.

I get stressed aswell but when you go to clean them most wont bat an eyelid and you will kick yourself for sending yourself up the friggin tree.

I pulled my hamstring at the weekend so I'm in the same boat this week but back out again tomorrow, that'll teach me not to do loui Spence impersionations anymore :rofl:

Am all ways behind on my run as 95% want them done every 2 weeks but the best way to look at it u niver run out of work


If you have satisfied customers they will wait like the phone call my wife took yesterday. I'm running nearly 3 months behind on one rounds as I've been off ill then the van went bang so had to get another one then to top it off the weather has been not that kind either.

I have other work that ppl are waiting for me to do like driveway cleaning etc plus all the new enquires coming through. Am I stressed hell NO as they can wait or can find someone else which either way I'm not that bothered at all. /emoticons/biggrin.png

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i have never been booked so far in advance...up till tuesday week so far....although this will alter as i shift things around...so many variables not to mention the weather...i just hope i can remember them all.../emoticons/smile.png...and although i do other jobs....windows come first...
